Chapter 28

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Edit: July 2nd, 2017.

Alex's POV

Back with the others I just felt like I needed to survive then get the hell away as soon as possible before I lost my marbles. Our beginning squad has changed by quite much, but with what was left, I enjoyed who they were. I had nobody that I wanted to strangle, and everyone we were with were my friends.

Or so I thought.

After meeting Austin and his people, I knew then and there that something was going to end up wrong, I didn't know what exactly, but I knew there was going to be a major conflict. I should've just said no in the first place. Stupid stupid stupid!

Arriving here was my best hope at finding people who would actually want to help me, and not just basically use someone for safety then when the time is right get rid of them. It doesn't work like that with me, ever. And it never will.

I hear footsteps, and look up to see Freddie walk in just as I finish packing what was left in my backpack.

Freddie came to me outside the walls, even though when I read their rules in case I did stay, they said no one was suppose to do that. But he did. He seemed nice about getting me the help I needed, and seemed happy to tag along in the rest of my dangerous journey. I can't thank him enough for that. He's even coming and he doesn't know me, like at all. He has guts. But, then again, he's a guy and if anything ended badly, he's stronger than I am so he really has nothing to worry about except me killing him in his sleep or something, but I'm not that cruel.

"Shela said that your results will be here soon." He tells me. I nod to him, hoping it isn't anything too serious, and that I could still run until my heart bursts.

"Okay, thanks." I acknowledge, then an awkward silence comes and falls upon us. That is, until I break it. "Tell me again why you helped me outside the walls? I mean, the rules said it was forbidden unless it was okay by one of the people running this place." I break the silence that lay between us both.

Freddie looks up, and his chocolate brown eyes find mine and speaks, "You seemed injured by the way you were walking," his thick accent got deeper in the moment. "I though that it wouldn't be so bad if I took you in, got you patched up, and sent you on your way to wherever the hell it was you were planning on going." A chuckle escapes on my lips and a smirk appears on his. "Besides, my mom runs this joint, so it's not like I can't do whatever I please."

Being the somewhat-nice person I am, I ask him one more time for clarification.

"Are you sure you want to come with me? This place is so secure, you seem safer here than out there with me." Freddie throws me some cans, a few bags of... chips? and two 2L bottles of water. I throw them in my sac, then zip up.

"Yes, I am sure. It's not safe out there alone. Besides, I don't socialize well in here, and a friend seems what you need." He says, smiling. I look away to the side for a few moments, and out the corner of my eye, Freddie's smirk suddenly disappears into a worrying look.

"Um," I change my mind for now. "We should get going..."

As we step out of the hospital room, I realized that when I first came in this place, it was loaded with security. Left, right, up, down, and center, all had lookouts. How are we going to get out? Can we just walk out the doors?

"Is security tough in here? No one in, no one out?" I ask Freddie, not taking my eyes off of the main doors. He looks at me, a sparkle in his eyes, shining like diamonds.

A School ApocalypseUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum