Chapter 4

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Edit: January 23, 2017

I know I can't take on them all, especially not at once.

I don't want to hurt anyone, because if it was severe, there'd be no medical help. So, I give in and let them all drag me to safety. And to make things more secure, they secure me. Literally. They drag me to the basement, make two hold me securely, while others grab duct tape, rope, and a chair. When I see Parker with the chair, I glare and look at him worriedly. Why does this feel fake?

"It's for your own good," he comments. "Without you we're more vulnerable,"

"But you're a leader too," I say, "you're probably better at this than me, I only know expert stuff when it's going to end up being chased, and going in hiding. The rest you're probably better at, Park." I stare as I get forced to sit in the chair. They use the duct take to hold down the chair, and ropes to keep me tight and securely held, and I speak after he put the ropes on my legs and feet.

"Are you really doing this?" I question with curiosity. Parker doesn't answer for a couple moments, but sighs.

"I told you, it's for your own good," he says, "your friend told me to keep you like this until the storm passes, or ends." I groan. These storms can last for hours!

"Who's watching me?"

He shrugs with no hesitation. "Dunno, I'll go ask then come down and tell you once I get an answer." I smile lightly, to show the expression that it's for safety, and when he leaves, I scowl then frown. I can't believe they had their one close friend, strapped to a chair. It's like I'm kidnapped, strapped, and waiting for my kidnapper to come and tell me what he's going to do with me next. But I have to believe that it's for my safety. If they leave me, I probably would have chased it, and most likely get myself killed. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and groan in anger.

"Ugh! I hate this!" I scream.

"I'm suppose to be watching you," A familiar voice says, but I'm not seeing the face clearly. Their shadow weakens, and a small body appears before me.

"Oh, great. You again. I actually thought this would be annoying you. Having to watch me, ride with me, and be a leader with me. It's kinda weird." I say annoyingly. This is so pathetic. "But I guess you love my attention, don't you?"

"I know, I know. I didn't choose though. . .your friend did." I glance around the dark room, confused.

"I'm sorry, what? Who?" I ask. All these people here are my friends.

"The bossy one," he replies simply, and unconsciously, I begin to laugh uncontrollably. Not over that, but the fact she done it. His raises an eyebrow, "What's so funny?" He questions, furrowing his eyebrows, not knowing the obvious.

"Sierra?" I say in surprise. "The small one,"

He nods. "Yep."

"Huh," I squeak, then after a few moments, "why always you?" I ask.

He shrugs then speaks. "I don't think she likes me," he states. "She seems to always make me do something, as far away from her, and as long as possible. Next thing you know, she sends me on a food hunt, and I'll never return. Which, honestly doesn't surprise me because I'd fall for it, especially 'cause it's hunting."

I chuckle. It does seem like Sierra would do something like that. She loves getting her own way and will fight you until you agree with her, even if you don't. She is exactly one of those people who will tell you to go fetch the ball then casually get rid of you, like you would be lost. "I feel you, I'd do the same if it were sports, you'd probably do it too," I admit. He smiles warmly, then the smile fades almost immediately.

A School ApocalypseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon