Chapter 39

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Edit: September 21st, 2017.

Jervis Bay isn't how I wanted my rescue to be.

Hundreds of walkers are overtaking this place, even though it's so small.

"I say we go Walking Dead style, guys," Parker whispers.

Right now, we're all hiding in a dumpster. Of course, déjà vu hits me hard in the face, but we're slowly making our way through the dead, taking out only the ones close to us so we can get out. The more attention, the harder it's going to be for us, and the quicker we're all going to die out here.

"There's nothing we can do in here guys." I state. "It's not like dumpsters have an additional wardrobe closet we can choose from."

"She's right," Austin says. "We need to be more planned. We're going to die if we just take them all on at once."

"You're right," I trail off, getting a plan. The things I do for these people, I swear they don't deserve it.

None of them do, Alex. You're helping them for all the wrong reasons.

"Jada, give me your sneakers." I order, taking off the slip on shoes I had on.

"What? No! Why? You have shoes on." She protests. I smack my hand against my forehead. Ay, lay.

"I can't run in these, genius. And I'm the fastest here, so give me them."

"What are you doing?" She asks. "And you're probably not that fast with that broken foot, Alex."

I roll my eyes. "It's not broken anymore, Jada."

"It will be if you even try running. You never listened to Freddie, so now you're going to just go out there, break your ankle again, and get yourself killed."

"Give. Me. The. Goddamn. Shoes, Jada." I repeat. Jesus, she needs to listen.

She stands still, and I glance around seeing that Ryanne has the same kind of shoes: light and easy to run in. "Fine. Give me your shoes." I nod to Ryanne. She doesn't argue as takes her sneakers off and hands them to me. "Was that so hard to do, Jada? Here, take this pair." I say to Ryanne. "Follow Freddie's every move and don't do anything unless he tells you to. Stay beside him at all times, those shoes aren't the grippiest so watch your step."

"Why can't I follow Parker?" She complains. I furrow my eyebrows. I thought she liked him? I don't see the problem, here. It'd be a win-win: she gets to be with a hot guy and everyone else lives.

"Because he's coming with me."

"He is?"

"I am?"

I give glances between Parker and Freddie. "Fine, unless you want me to go out alone?"

"No!" They both reject. I laugh quietly at them and shrug my shoulders. Well then.

"Here's my idea," I whisper. "It's really simple, so I don't want to hear complaining about it, otherwise I'll just go by myself, capeesh?"

"Shoot, mama." Parker speaks.

"Just do it." I say.

"Yeah, I will, but I need to know the plan first." He rolls his eyes.

"I just told you," I explain.

"No, you didn't," he argues. "Now tell me."

"Just do it." I repeat.

"God damn guys," Austin huffs. "Parker, Alex's plan is to literally just do it."

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