Chapter 2

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  • Dedicado a Baylee Long

Edit: January 18th, 2017.

We all strugglingly squish ourselves into the vehicle. Of course the kids got seat belted, except my brother, while me, Parker, Emma, and Bert sat on the floor of the kids, me with my brother on my lap, and helping them comprehend whats happening.

Mrs. Greene sits in the back, with the stuff, and Jada, Cade, my mom and her boyfriend, Xavier, in the front. We did stop off at everyone else's houses, to say goodbye. It was pointless, but we all agreed it'd be nice. If their parents weren't there, but the cars were, we would take the cars. Of course, we'd have to drive, even though we don't all have our full licenses yet.

The adults drove first, and only two vehicles were vacant, and Bert and I drove them both, because we're the only ones who've tried to drive before and were actually pretty good. I have my G2, which I got a couple months ago, but everyone else was-to be honest-awful as drivers. I feared for my life while we were practicing the drivers skills.

I took a couple of our group along. I had Sheena, Carter, Dillon, Parker, Sheila and Emma. While Jada, Jack and Cade went with Bert, Leo went with Mrs. Greene, and Alec went with my mom and Xavier, which had no shocker there. I'm really surprised that I have the most people with me, especially since I was driving. But, everyone voted, and team leaders had to be together, and workout a plan. I also wasn't letting Sheena nor Carter out of my sight because they were the only kids I could tolerate fully until we get ahold of things. I attempted to bring my brother, but to nobody's surprise, my mom declined.

Whatever. I'm not playing her games.

"We need a plan," I say to Parker, as we all enter his parents' SUV. I help get the kids' seat belts on, and talk through walkie talkies Cade's parents had.

"Don't wreck my parents car." Parker says with murderous eyes. I give a weird look, and glare. He then plants a smirk on his face after he sees my reaction. I glare at him once more.

"Its the end of normality, and your worried about the car?" I chuckle.

"Yeah." He answers back. "With you driving, who wouldn't be nervous?" Rude!

"Well, smartass, I done this before. Unlike you, I didn't trash my parents' vehicle, as you can see. So I'm pretty sure I won't trash yours." I grumble. "Unless necessary." I mutter to myself, smirking. He stares at me, shaking his head now.

"Oh get over it. I won't!" I say, serious this time. "Speaking of which, where is your mom and dad?"

"Dad's out on business like always, probably in Auckland, and Mom's at Christine's visiting." He answers. His dad travels for work, mostly different countries. His main corp is in Auckland, but most of his businesses are in Australia. Mainly the capitals. Christina is Parker's aunt, who lives in Tasmania. She visits often, and Parker is usually left home alone. Well, I'm almost always there, so not really home alone.

"Again? That's the third time this past week. Is she alright?"

"She's been really ill lately, so mom's helping take care of her." He replies. I get a bad feeling in my stomach.

"You don't think. . ?" I whisper. I really hope she doesn't.

"I-I don't know. Maybe." He shrugs. "But everyone's dying, it's only a matter of time."

I get done putting on their seat belts, and get into the drivers seat, ignoring the fact that a woman who've I known for the past 10 years might have the Zed Virus.

"Mom, take lead," I say through the walkie talkie.

"10-4," she says and I roll my eyes. I don't know trucker talk, and I don't understand why she even speaks it. It's complicated speaking, and even though my dad would take me to work and he'd use the truck radios to communicate with buddies, it still messed with my head sometimes.

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