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That date came and I was standing in the crowd waiting for it to start. Most of the girls were screaming for them to start already and the rest stood chilled. I was one of the chilled people. But on the inside... that was a whole new story. My wolf and I were discussing what we should do, how we should greet him and how we would react to seeing him.

'Do you think he'll like us?' she asked me. 'Do you really think he will like us?'

'Yeah,' I said unconvinced. 'I mean, we are destined to bet together so you would so, wouldn't you?'

'I hope he likes u-'

The place had gone from some girls to hordes and hordes of them. Most of which screaming and only a handful standing there quietly.

"How are you guys tonight?" someone said through a microphone.

"Good," the fans screamed. Some of them were crying and the rest stood bored.

'I wonder why they're here if they look so bored,' Said Summer.

'I have no idea.'

The concert seemed to go by snail-fast, from screaming girls to crying girls to One Direction singing. It all smashed into one horrible noise and it was deafening. And as if this moment was a total cliché, I looked up to see Niall singing. He looked at me and our eyes immediately locked. Liam was beside him so he nudged Liam with his elbow. I'm sure no one else noticed but when Liam looked to where Niall was pointing he smiled. Niall was pointing at me and looking at Liam. Liam wiggled his eyebrows at Niall and Niall rolled his eyes but then focused only on me. This started to speed things up and before I knew it, the concert was over and all the girls who had VIP exclusive ticket thingies were walking backstage. I followed behind the last girl and we were all stopped by security.

"Okay, to determine wither or not you have tickets we will be looking at them and checking names."

So one by one we moved forward, slowly marching towards the entrance to where my mate is.


I walked up to the security guy.


"Mystix Donsad."

"Okay, you're on the list. Tickets?"

I handed him the tickets. For some strange reason they weren't using those pass thingies that you put around your neck. But whatever.

"Okay, go through the entrance and take the first right, that's where you are going," he whispered to me.


I walked to the entrance and to the first right. As I walked in I felt someone else's presence.


"Hi," a familiar voice said. "Do you remember me?"

"Uh," I said not remembering.

"I'll take that as a no," the voice said. "How about now?"

A woman stood before me in grey skinny jeans and a black tailed shirt. I looked up at her face and was taken into a flash back.


"Myst, why do you have to go to Australia?" my old friend Rayne asked.

"I don't know," I said. "Mum and dad said we had to move."

"We will meet up again someday," said my old friend, tears forming at her eyes and streaking down her pretty face.

"Don't cry, Ray," I said reassuring her. "We will meet up again and stop crying, you're ruining your pretty face."

Those Silver Eyes [Niall Horan Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now