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(Myst's Pov)

The meet and greet had officially finished and the other people who were in it were apart of Rayne's new pack. It was definitely surprising to say the least.

"Myst," Niall whispered. "You're coming back with us, right?"

I just nodded and squeezed his hand. He smiled which in turn made me smile. The others had given us a few minutes to discus things. We told each other about ourselves and I learnt things about him that I'm pretty sure even the boys don't know.

"I'm the same species as Rayne, have you seen what her wolf looks like?"

"Yeah, I've seen her shift," he said looking down at me smiling. "It was cool but I'll bet yours is better."

I laughed and I could just feel the happiness radiating off Niall. His arms were wrapped around my waist tightly, it was as if he was afraid of losing me. I turned my body so I could wrap my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder.

"So," I whispered. "Have you known any other shifters?"

"Yeah," he replied. "Rayne's friend Averi."

"Was she pretty?"

"I guess," he trailed off.

I motioned for him to continue but he only looked away. I stared at his face, the sadness pained me. I furrowed my brow.

"What did she do to you?"

"Nothing," he whispered.

"Niall, you can tell me."

"No, I can't. I, it, I just can't."

He pulled my arms off of him and proceeded walk away. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

"What have you done now, Myst? You've gone and stuffed things up, that's what you've done," I said to myself. "As per usual."

The others walked in with a blank Niall. I was currently sitting on the floor playing with a random piece of string I found.

"Myst, are you okay?" Rayne asked.

I snapped my head up and growled unintentionally. She replied with a verocious growl of her own. I looked down saddened. There was tension in the room and too much of it.

"Rayne, could I talk to you in private?" she nodded. "It's important."

"Yeah, okay. Guys, we'll meet you outside in a few."

They all nodded and walked back out. Rayne turned to me and dropped the smile she had on.

"Why is Niall-"

"I asked him about Averi."

"Oh, I see, why?" she asked. "You already know what happened, don't you?"

"No," I said shaking my head.

"Hm, well, it was believed that Averi's "dead" mate was actually dead so Niall and Averi started taking a liking to each other, then" she looked down. "He came back from hiding and Averi left to be with him, Niall was upset, depressed even but I guess he couldn't help it. And everytime he would walk into, say, the kitchen he would see Liam and I together and would get jealous."

"Oh," I muttered. "Rayne, I should tell you."


"I'm being pursued by, uh, vampires."

"What?" she exclaimed, it was like the crack of a whip.

"I couldn't tell you before because then your pack would go into over drive and probably shove me into their arms given the chance to."

"Hm, probably. Do you know how strong they are? And how many there are?"

"A coven of four, a family, two sons and the mum and dad. The older son is very fast and has a big but strong build, the younger child is weaker but still fast, the mum, I have no idea... and the dad, he doesn't like fights."

"So is it one or all?"

"It'll only be one but he has a habit of making friends quickly."

"That's not good at all."

All of a sudden my phone started to ring.


"Hey, it's just me. Have you told your friend about that vampire chasing you?"

"Yes, is there anything else I need to tell her?"

"No, but I need to talk to her."

"Okay," I handed the phone to Rayne whilst turning it to speaker. "I told you it's important."

"Rayne, I need you to keep Myst and Niall together at all costs, even now," Grace said. "Myst, I know you're listening, down the hall and to your left will be a door, go and get the rest now."


I ran down the hall and opened the door to the left.

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