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Heey, sorry for long as updates... I've been focusing on school... sorta. From now on, the chapters (no matter how big or small) will be different POVs, chapters 1,2 &3 of TSE (and TRD) are the exceptions... Happy reading



Grace (Pov):

When I called Myst, she sounded somewhat relieved when she greeted me. But now I was talking to Rayne, and Myst.

"Rayne, I'll tell you a little bit about myself," I said. "For starters, my name is Grace and I am one of wolves considered 'special'.

"I get visions and can use telepathy but that is all. I know that you're wondering how this is possible but it's hard to explain and even harder for people to believe."

"Okay?" she asked in reply. "I've always believed in strange things, seen as I myself, is considered strange but whatever. What's this about Myst having to get the rest?"

"Myst has a vampire pursuing her and he will not rest until he finds her, he believes that he can claim her because she hasn't been marked."

"Well that's just great," Rayne remarked sarcastically. "As long as no one gets hurt I'm fine with letting her into my pack."

I nodded to myself.

'That's good,' I thought.

'You know at some point you'll have to meet up with that Myst girl again,' said a voice.

'I know,' I replied. 'But that time hasn't come and will not come until a later date.'

'Be prepared anyway, Grace, I cannot afford to lose another host,' it said.

'I know, Serene, I can't afford to be reanimated again.'

"Myst is back with the rest, should I hand you back over to her?"

"No, it's okay. Just tell her I say good luck and keep your mind awake, she'll know what it means."

I hung up and dropped my phone onto my stomach. I've been laying down whilst calling Myst and Rayne.

"I feel extremely tired," I said aloud.

"Are you okay, Grace?" asked my mate.

"Fine, can you please get me a glass of water and a Panadol? I have a headache again."

He sat beside me and cupped my cheek.

"You have to be careful, Grace. I don't want you hurting yourself by helping others."

I gave him a wide smile and pulled him in for a hug. He fell on top of me and his face was looming inches away from mine.

"I know you worry about me too much, Levi, it's written all over your face when I say I need to use telepathy or have a vision."

"I can't help it," he said leaning in. "I get over protective too often but that's what mates do."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. It started off sweet but soon turned passionate and heated. My wolf, Serene, was wagging her tail happily. She liked Levi and she loved her mate, Levi's wolf, Kenon. Things were spicing up when suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Grace, uh, could you come downstairs please? There's, uh, er, someone here for you."

"It's him, isn't it," Levi whispered in my ear.

I nodded and took my arms away from around his neck. He got up and held a hand out for me to grab. I took it and got up, dizziness overwhelming my body as I went. Levi caught me easily and pulled me into a tight warm hug before letting go of me then grabbing my hand. I opened the door to my room and walked downstairs with Levi in tow.

"Levi," I whispered low enough so that only he could hear. "I want you to call in the rest of the pack and make them surround the house, if he tries to attack me I want you to tell them that the sub group that finds him and corners him can kill him."

"Okay," he replied back equally as low.

We walked into the lounge and saw him standing there with weapons that could kill an enitre pack.

"I have a proposition for you," he said.

Those Silver Eyes [Niall Horan Fan Fic]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें