V - Rayne

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Myst's friend, Grace I think it was, hung up. I looked around, the boys and the small amount of pack members were back and looked alert. Myst looked anywhere but Niall.

'The dramas she'll face will be worse than yours, Rayne,' said Nymeria.

'I know,' I said. 'I can't help but think that this drama will have fallen from her parents and onto her.'


'Her parents lost a fight -but didn't die- to a coven of vampires. And had to give over her as a prize. Myst's parents held onto her as long as they could but it was too long and they suffered the consequences.'

'And where did you find this information, Rayne?'

'I have many ways and not all of them are acceptable, but what she doesn't know -or remember- won't kill her.'

'But it seems that is the case at hand.'

'I would rephrase it but we haven't the time to be chit-chatting.'

'Says the one talking like she's on a Sunday stroll,' Nymeria teased.

'Oh shut up," I remarked.

Nymeria snorted but faded into the back of our mind.

I sighed and looked around again, Niall and Myst were on opposite of the room. Everyone looked scared and frightened. Suddenly I felt a cold wave flow over me. I froze and felt my eyes change colour. I snarled at what caused this wave.

"You have good senses, Alpha," the voice replied to the snarl. "But not fast enough."

Time started to slow and I tried as hard as I could to shove them out of the way without getting hurt. It failed. I had claw marks down my side and blood starting to spread. I growled then saw as he loomed over my friends and mate. He was a menacing shadow, with glowing red eyes and a large evil grin. His dark transparent arm-like limbs reached down for Liam then swiped its hand-like things across his cheek. I could feel the erges increasing and my body was shaking with rage. Liam's body shook with fear, I could feel it and added it to my rage.

"Fight me, Alpha," the voice laughed. "Let out your rage. Let yourself be free-"

"What would being free do for me?" I snapped.

"You don't have to hide, Alpha-"

"Do not call me that!"

The building shook from my power. I felt the presence of my pack as they gathered around the room.

"Yes. Yes! Unleash your power for the world to see!"

That's when I froze again. The black fog-like creature had grown in size. I cut the emotions off and the creature frowned.

"Smart, very smart. I commend you Alpha, you worked out what most couldn't out," the voice said. "I will test this again, later on though, be prepared, you too Mystix."

The creature disappeared in a puff of smoke and everyone got up startled and surprised. I ran into Liam's arms. He held me tightly and whispered comforting words in my ear as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey now, it's okay, Rayne. Everyone's safe, it's okay now."

I looked up at him and he gave me a small smile. He leaned down and pecked my on the forehead then held me tighter. I heard a growl of disgust and instinct took over. I growled back and turned to face Myst.

"How many times are you going to growl at me, Myst?" I snarled.

"How ever much I want, Rayne," she snarled back.

My pack's Growls played in the background and filled the empty arena.

"You want to fight an alpha?"

"You? An alpha?" she rolled her eyes. "Oh please, go crawl back to daddy," she sarcastically remarked.

"He's dead," I said blankly.

"Rayne," Liam whispered. "Niall's about to walk off."

I linked my pack and told them to block any and every exit. Niall looked around startled the narrowed his eyes at me and Liam in suspicion. Myst's eyes glazed over in anger again as she looked over at us.

'Liam, please let me teach her a lesson in respect,' I said through our link.

'No, Rayne, your anger will overwhelm your senses and judgement on whether you'll allow her to live.'

I froze then slowly looked up at him.

'Have I fought someone in front of you before?' I asked him.

'No, but there'll be a time where you do.'

I sighed and looked back down. That's when I saw something perculiar. Black cloud-like rodents ran around Myst and Niall's feet.

"Oh you've got to be f-" Liam covered my mouth.

"What?" the angered pair said.

I signalled for them to wait and took Liam's hand off of me. I saw Myst's eyes glow silver and knew to hurry up. In a flash my energy ball was created then slowly floated to the creatures. Everyone stared at the ball as the black creatures were pulled into the orb. The heavy mood lifted as the creatures disappeared. I smiled then fell into Liam, exhausted.

"How much energy did it take?" Liam whispered in my ear.

"Quite a lot because I had to change it so it would absorb the creatures."

He smiled and planted a kiss on the top of my head. His arms wrapped around my waist again and held me tightly. Niall and Myst were standing together, Niall's arms around Myst. Suddenly little rodents danced around her legs again but they didn't fight. The eyes of the creatures were light blue and they had started to turn white. Things had become more happy an relaxed.

"So what's happening now?"

"We go home?" Myst asked.

The rest of us shook our heads.


"We're still on tour, love," Niall whispered.

"Oh," she blushed.

"Liam, are you guys staying at a hotel tonight?"

He laughed.

"No, we're staying in a shack," he said. "I know you love shacks, babe."

I slapped his chest softly and giggled then rolled my eyes.

"You're so silly."

"Not as much a Louis and Harry," he whispered in my ear.

I started to laugh loudly and gained stares of curiosity thrown at me. That only increased the laughter. Now the rest were staring at me with skeptical looks. Liam's chuckles then joined me and we were the psycotic hysterically laughing couple.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked.

"Don't worry," I smiled.

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