January 10th, 2016

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So, I've found my version of Daniel! And he looks like  ^^^ (or the photo that's floating around here somewhere!) His name is Ollie Edwards, and he's perfect for (my) Daniel. Still trying to figure out a perfect Sophie, though. So, the French is back. Most of it is translated within the conversation, so I'm not adding translations at the end. HOWEVER, if it's not clear, let me know and I'll add. Sarah xx


"How's it going?"

"Why are you whispering?"

"Just in case your family can hear me."

"You're in France, Sophie."

"But I can be pretty loud. They might still hear me."


"You never know!"

"Let's just assume they can't hear you so you can stop whispering."

"Fine. How's it going over there?"

"It's... you want an honest answer?"

"Honesty is the best policy."

"It's a fucking shit show."

"Haha. I'm not sure if this is your true self coming out or if I'm being a bad influence on you, but Daniel Whitaker- I like this version of you!"

"Call a spade a spade, I say. This lunch has been a shit show, may as well call it a shit show."

"What happened, duck?"

"What didn't happen, I think you mean to ask."

"Ok, what didn't happen?"

"My grandmother now knows that Arabella and I have split up."

"How'd she take it?"

"Terribly. She started preaching about how I should have paid more attention to Arabella and put a ring on her finger sooner, and such."

"I take it no one knows about her and Sam, then."

"I was tempted to blurt it out, but I bit my tongue instead."

"Why? If anyone was giving me the third degree when it wasn't my fault, I'd have ratted the bastard out."

"He's still my brother, Sophie, no matter what he did."

"If he was a half-decent brother, he wouldn't have fucked your girlfriend."

"It's not that simple. Samuel, he's... he's always been overlooked by my family, always treated like a spare part, which in a way, he is. My family have this warped status and they're all for familial obligations. I'm the eldest son, which means I'll inherit whatever my father hands down to me. Samuel, on the other hand, will get next to nothing. Legally, at least."

"It doesn't excuse his behaviour, though."

"I didn't say that it did. It just puts some of his lifestyle choices into perspective, that's all. Because of his inferiority to me, he likes to one-up me whenever he can. Even if that means sleeping with my girlfriend. He's trying to prove a point."


"No 'buts'.  My parents already think Samuel is a fiasco clusterfuck, no point adding fuel to the fire."

"Can we detour from the conversation for just a second? Did you swallow an urban dictionary or something? First you say shit show, not it's fiasco clusterfuck."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now