June 24th 2016

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So, bit news from the UK is that we're no longer part of the European Union. Did you all hear about that?

I personally voted to stay in, but... hey-ho. At least it was democratically done. Not sure what this means for us now, so only time will tell. 

In other news, I went to see Augustines last night! AMAZING!!! Just... yeah! Best night of my life!

Sarah, xx


"Can I ask you something?"


"What happens now that we've left the EU?"

"Um... I'm not political enough to answer that."

"No, I mean what happens with you now that we've left the EU?"

"I don't understand the question."

"Your father is Irish. Ireland is in the EU. Your mother is French. France is in the EU. You're Irish-French. So... what does that mean?"

"It means I'm Irish-French."

"Yeah but... will you get deported?"


"Why not?"

"Because I was born in the UK."

"Does that mean you won't need me to marry you for you to get a green card?"

"Green cards are American. Not British."

"What's the British version?"

"Aren't you the lawyer in this relationship?"

"I deal in divorces, not immigration law!"

"Shouldn't you have learnt about that, though? What type of degree did you get? I would have thought you'd have to learn all aspects of law to be a lawyer."

"I graduated ten years ago!"

"Your point?"

"I don't remember any of that stuff! Plus, laws change all the time."

"Oh, well. Ask someone at the office tomorrow."

"I shall. Now, what do you think about treasure hunts?"

"It would depend on the type of treasure hunt it is."

"So, do you like or dislike them?"

"On the whole?"


"Not for me. Are you still trying to think up ways to propose?"



"Yeah, yeah. Dinner, drop down onto one knee, ask. Cliché is sometimes good."


"But cliché is so boring."

"Cliché is classic."

"You say 'classic' and I hear 'boring.'"

"May I suggest you go to the doctor to see about your hearing then?"

"I'll think about it. Did you manage to get caught up with your work this week?"

"Almost. Just a few more things to do tomorrow and I'll be done. What about you?"

"Work is fine."

"I'm sure it is. But I was talking more about you, Sam and Evie."

"What about them?"

"How's that going?"

"It's going fine. Evie's two boys are really excited about having uncles. Sam is practically living with me this week because he's determined to have lunch with Evie every day."

"Every day?"

"Every day. I think she's getting annoyed with it, to be honest."

"How does it feel to be Uncle Dan?"

"Well, I'm Owen's God-Father, anyway, so it's not all that different. I've just got a new title, that's all."

"And Uncle Sam?"

"He's Evan's God-Father. Needless to say, he's the cool uncle."

"And you? What type of uncle are you?"

"The sensible one."

"Ah. See, you say 'sensible' but I hear 'boring.'"

"Ha bloody ha."

"I know. That was funny!"

"It really wasn't."

"It was. You just don't appreciate my humour."

"Right, yes. That's it."

"I knew you'd come around to my way of thinking."

"Mhm. How do you feel about rollercoasters?"

"I'd rather die."

"The London Eye?"

"As long as I can sit in the middle of the pods with a paper bag to vomit into for the thirty minutes it takes for us to go around, then, yeah. I'm all for that."

"Ok, I'll go back to the drawing board."


"But just so we're clear, you're making this impossible for me."

"Dinner. Knee. Ring. Cliché. Done."

"Urgh, that's just so... blah."


"Right, I must take my leave."

"Take your leave?"

"Yeah, I need to Google some more."


"Hey, Sophie?"

"Yes, Daniel?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I know."

"Haha. Bye, baboon."

"Later, 'gator."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now