June 14th 2016

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I must admit, I do like Sophie and Daniel together. 

Sarah, xx


<<Good evening, Daniel Whitaker's phone.>>

"Hi, Evie. Is Daniel around?"

<<Sophie, darling. How are you?>>

"I'm good, thanks. Yourself?"

<<I'm well.>>

"And, uh, Daniel? How is he? Honestly."

<<Well, you know Daniel. He's stubborn.>>

"I wish he wasn't, though. I'm trying to make him laugh and take his mind off everything that's going on with his mother-"

<<That woman was never those boys' mother!>>

"I know."

<<Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I simply hate what that woman did to those boys. Now that Veronica's here, it's making everything ten times worse.>>

"Daniel's warned me about her already. Now, back to Daniel. Apart from being stubborn, how is he coping?"

<<Not well. If I'm being honest, I'm waiting for the boys to have a breakdown of some sort. Laurence was no saint, believe me, but out of the two, he probably had Daniel and Samuel's best interest at heart.>>

"I find that impossible to believe."

<<I know. There are certain things that not even the children know about Laurence but they soon will.>>

"Evie, what aren't you telling them?"

"-Evie, if that's Sophie, you have ten seconds to say your goodbyes and hand the phone over.-"

<<Apologies, Sophie, but I have to go. We'll talk on Saturday.>>

"Ok, bye-"



"What were you and Evelyn talking about?"

"Oh, you know-"

"Don't you dare say-"


"I hate it when you say that. It makes everything sound so vague."

"It's intentional."

"Well, I don't like it."

"That's unfortunate for you."

"Uh huh."

"So, how's life?"

"Really? That's your way of changing the topic?"


"Right. In that case, life could be better."

"How so?"

"You could be here, for starters."

"Duh. Life is always better when I'm around."

"That sounds really egotistical, and yet, it's very much true."

"Guess what I did today?"

"What did you do today?"

"Um... I, uh... what did I do today?"

"Don't ask me, this is your story."

"Yeah, except I don't really remember what I did."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now