April 7th 2016

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Video of the song mentioned in this chapter is here. It's called Les Voyages en Train.

It's French, and it's gorgeous (the meaning of the song.) I'll try to translate it tonight and I'll post it tomorrow. It fits Sophie, I think, so I had to mention it at some point.

Sarah, xx

p.s. Before anyone starts to think that anything will happen between Sophie and the ice hockey player, Brogan- NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN! #DANPHIE4ALWAYS

Oh, and this is unedited! Sorry.


"How did it go with the badger?"

"And you call me weird. The badger?"

"The ice hockey player?"

"Oh, Brogan. Yeah, he's a nice guy. Really intimidating to look at but he was lovely. He's given me some tickets to go see the game tonight and I'm weirdly looking forward to it."

"You're going to see an ice hockey game? It was only yesterday that you knew nothing about it, now you're going to watch?"

"I've evolved since yesterday. Brogan showed me some clips of him playing and it looks brutal. People slamming other people into the side of the rink, jabbing each other with their sticks, enforcers going to... enforce? I think ice hockey could totally be my favourite sport now."

"Because it's brutal?"

"That, and the fact that it's really quick."

"What a strange woman you are. Did you ask the badger if he was gay?"

"Brogan. And yes, I did ask."

"What was the response?"

"He's straight. And single."

"Not sure how those details should be of any importance to you."

"They're not."

"Are you sure? You sounded rather excited about the fact that he's straight and single."

"We had a bet going at the office, that's all. I was the only one to put cash on the fact that he's hetro and unattached. The girls around here now owe me a life time supply of Starbucks! Well, not life time, but until I leave, anyway."

"Ah, well in that case, the people at your office were stupid to come in between you and your coffee."

"I know! Idiots."

"Have you cleared up the misunderstanding about you having a husband and a daughter? Which, by the way, escalated quickly from the previous day when I had been called your boyfriend."

"The girls obviously thought you deserved an upgrade. But, yeah, I think I set them straight."

"So what am I to you now?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you told them that I'm not your husband or your boyfriend, what did you tell them I was?"

"I, uh... all I said was that you and I aren't married. And that I don't have a daughter."

"So... what does that mean?"

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now