April 2nd 2016

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Sophie's voicemail (or, answerphone, as we call it in the UK) greeting changes every time. At first, it was because I couldn't remember what it actually was, but then as it went on, I thought it would be something that Sophie would do, so it's become a running thing in the story.

So, yesterday's chapter was really well received and I am so beyond thankful for all your comments and votes! Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

Sarah, xx

p.s. In response to a comment recently, I stated that one of the characters was going to break the other's heart. But, my question is this- who will have their heart broken? (comment away!)





"Hi, this is Sophie Clément's phone. I can't answer your call a the moment, but if you leave a message, I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

"Hi, it's me. I was going to call you this morning before your flight but I didn't. I would have been tempted to ask you to stay- not got to New York- and I was terrified that you'd tell me 'no,' that you were going regardless. So, I chickened out. God, I know it's only been a couple of hours, but I miss you already. I always miss you when you're not around or if you're not on the phone, making me laugh or smile or roll my eyes. Soph, this is fucked up. I want to get on a plane and fly to you, but... I think the idea that you'll only be gone for a few months is what keeps me going. 

One day away from me is a day less before you're home. Does that make sense? 

Nola is here today with Elias. I know, Elias hanging out with his daughter? Must be a blue moon tonight or something. I'm getting off track- Nola's here and she could see that I wasn't myself and do you know what she did? She threw her arms around my shoulders really tight and said, 'I know I'm not Sophie, so I can't make it better, but here's a hug.' For a moment, it was ok, but then I understood what she meant. You weren't there. And I fucking missed you, Soph.

God, listen to me! I sound pathetic. I know we've got to navigate the whole time difference again, but we'll make it work. Plus, like I told you before, I'll answer your calls whenever. Yesterday, you asked me not to go falling for someone else while you were away. At the time, I thought it went without saying that it worked both ways, but... Soph, don't go falling for someone else while you're away. I don't think I could handle that. 


For the record, I'm usually not this mushy, but you have completely and utterly and irreparably made me a pathetic sop. So, if you're gagging at hearing this message, or if you're rolling your eyes at my words, just let it be known that it's entirely your fault. Deal with it. 

On a serious note, I'm in the midst of packing. I know that Greg form the animal shelter is coming on Monday to inspect the new place, so I thought it would be nice if it started to look more homely. Plus, like I said, I knew I'd need a distraction from you today. I can't believe you've actually gone. I thought maybe that it was a huge joke, but... no, you're gone. 

I'm not sure if Hugo told you any of this, but he's given me his number so that we can hang out. I hope that's ok. He's going to teach me some more French and I'm going to teach him... I don't know. Chess? Can he play chess? If he can't, I'll teach him in return for the language lessons.  

So... I think this message has gone on long enough. I better go. I've left Elias in charge of Nola. No doubt, she's wandering the streets because he failed to keep an eye on her, or something. I should go rescue her. 

Soph... I- I miss you. Love you, bye.

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now