Good job, Riley

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"Mmmmmmm!"the Queen Bee tried to scream. I would be laughing so hard right now if my stomach wasn't so empty. Well not just that. There are also two mall cats that are about to stab through my heart with their eyebrow pencil. I grabbed the girl's hand. Before we left the bathroom I turned around.

"Később, ribancok!" ("Later,bitches!") I said farewell to them and made my way to that machine again. I started to search my pockets for any spare coins. Of course,I didn't have any good coins that I could use in this country. I sighed. I seriously have to clean my pockets.

"Um...Do you need some spare coins?"a rather beautiful voice asked. I turned around and saw the girl I've saved. I looked at our hands. I was still holding hers. I thought I let it go after we exited the bathroom. She looked at our hands as well and quickly let me go. She's so cute!

"I could use some."I replied embarrassed. You see one of the things that I hate to do is to ask money from someone else. It's just annoying and I feel like I own them a lot more than I'm supposed to pay back. And I hate bothering people with my problems. They're my own damn problems! I'm not sharing them with anyone!

The girl grabbed out two small silver coins from her pocket and gave them to me.

"Thank you."I said and stepped to the machine and bought one more super glue. When I faced the girl again she was looking at me confused. I put the glue in to my jacket pocket along with my hands.

"What are you going to do with that glue?"she asked a little scared."Are you gonna glue someone else's mouth too?"I just looked at her,trying not to crack up. I faked a cough to hide my laugh.

"No,it's my lunch. I was going to eat that glue but that mascara monster had to lick it and all. I don't want to get some sort of disease form her."I replied sarcastically. She pouted and muttered something under her breath that I couldn't make out what it was. I didn't know what to say so I thought this was the time I shall take my leave.

"It was great meeting you. And thanks for the coins,I'll make it up for you somehow."She looked up at me with a glint of something in her eyes."Oh, and if those bitches ever again dare to pick on you, find me. Bye."I walked past her and hurried to the cafetiera.

Maybe I should have stayed and spoken to her more. I feel pretty bad that I've left her there. But than again I don't think she would want to talk to me that much. Even if she is a lesbian she seems to not like me that much or at least in that way. Or maybe it's juts my shitty anxiety again. And oh God! I even flirted with her! Or I think I did. Did I?

I didn't even notice that I was already there. I shook my head and greeted the launch lady.

"Hey, LL"

"LL?"she asked confused. I just nodded my head.

"Since you never told me your name I'm calling you LL"I smiled at her and leaned against the counter. LL rolled her eyes at me and pointed her spoon toward me.
"Did you get it?"she asked me. I pulled my right hand out of my pocket and give her the glue. She used it right away and after two seconds of silence she started to play with her now fixed spoon.

This reminded me that one time when my brother's ball was destroyed by Bruno. He was our dog while we were in Hungary,Romania and France. He died because of a strange disease. Anyway,Bruno was playing with Matthew's ball and suddenly BOOM! The ball became flat as a pancake. Matt was pretty upset so I shared with him my red balloon with what I was playing with. He had this kind of face too.

LL seemed to be back on her feet and went back. I was waiting for her to come back, so i checked my phone. To my surprise I had 5 unread messages, notifications on facebook,tumblr and update from Wattpad. I first checked my messages. There was one from dad reminding me to remind Madison. One from Madison, asking if I have music today. And three other from Max.

Max is my best friend, tho we only met once. We met in Florida. She's working in my all time favourite records store. Once this girl started to talk to me, then suddenly she came up and punched me in the face. Turns out that she thought that I was about to steal her girl. She apologized and bought me coffee. She eventually gave me her kik and Skype username so we could talk to each other. She and Grace are my only friends.

I replied to her usually texts, like heeeeeeey; you there? ; Rileeeeeeeeeeey!.
I checked my other notifications. They were all unimportant. And then finally she came back. Do I smell fish?

"Here dear, there is fish in them, I hope it doesn't bother you."LL handed me the sandwiches, I was drooling over them...I hope no one saw that.
"I love fish, thanks LL! "I took the two sandwiches and smiled at LL. After I took my sandwiches I said goodbye to LL and sat down at a table in very back. No one was sitting there so it was perfect for me. Hmmm, fish. That sure scores some points at me. I'll better hurry up, launch time will end soon. As I ate there my sandwiches I started to scan the tables. In the middle of the cafeteria was a simple table, a little bit bigger than the others and judging by the people who sit there, that's the popular's table. The were a lot of people, they were loud and annoying. A little bit away from them was a table full of people with beanies and green food. They must have been the hippies or hipsters or who knows. Around them were just normal tables with normal students,so I looked to the corners. On the left corner were the nerds and the gamers, all of them deep in their games. And there weren't tables at the other two corners.

I was happy that they left a table empty, like this I don't need to befriends with random people. There's no point in getting too attached to people, I'm sure after a month or three we would be in another country. It's already sucks that I can't meet with Max and Grace. So yeah. No friends for this chick.

The bell rung and ended our lunch period. But no worries! My next class will be music! Yay! With Madison! Double-Yay! Stood up from my table and I made my way out of the cafeteria. I waved at LL before I left the cafeteria of course.

I won't bore you with how I got to the classroom, but I didn't went in the classroom, I decided that I would wait for Madison to come. After all Madison is my home room teacher as well, it's just I didn't had any class with her or anything, so now she would introduce me to the whole class. I leaned against the wall, next to the door. As I kept waiting there my mind eventually wandered off from the road of unicorns and coffee to another one. Not to mention that road had big sings saying:"That girl". She seemed nice and cute, but I think there was something a little bit off on her. She has this stare that capture you like a predator and burn those deep brown eyes in to your retina. Her hair looked soft and I bet it smelled it good as well. Not to mention her little body, she is a half head shorter than me but she has a really good figure. I wonder how would she look like with a shirt that hugs her waist and curves.


Riley, I'm really disappointed in you! You actually crushed on a stranger in your first day of school...Well at least try to make the best out of it.

I suppose

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