Moon Lake Getaway

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 Let me all tell you something. Skateboarding late at night,in the dark,is not a good idea! The proofs are on my back and knees. I would show you if they weren't so ugly and if it wasn't so dark. But there's always something good in something bad. Because of I was skating in the dark in the nearby park I fell and ended up rolling down on a hill side. Yeah you might not see the good side of this,because honestly there isn't. The good thing comes after that I fell down. I ended up by a lake. It was an abandoned part of the park,there was a bench that had spider webs on it,the garbage can was full with outdated snack bags and all. As I've mentioned,it was dark,but the moon light shined down to the lake and the water -like a mirror- spread the light and made the whole place brighter.
 I was amazed by the sight of all of that. It was just too beautiful. The lighting was perfect and the colors were melting together the finest way I've ever seen. I bet Grace would be all over this place, I can see as she is sitting on that bench, drawing while Max is beside her,hugging her waist.  I seriously miss those two...and Matthew...and dad.....and mom... 

 I walked to the bench and sat down. It was so quiet and peaceful,something I missed. Ever since dad was hired to work for that company we've been traveling a lot. We had to leave Matthew and Madison behind. Matthew was sent to an army school because he was a hell of a kid. People only saw the trouble maker on him,but to me he was a hero. Even when I was a kid I was bullied because of my family and my unusually tall figure. It might seem strange that the taller kid was bullied by the smaller ones,but I was and I am a pretty shy kid. When Matthew found this out,he beat those guys. That's why he was sent to an army school. He actually like it there and joined the army. When I saw how Matthew saw the best thing in the worst, I pulled myself together and stood up for myself. I started to be happy for the little things and I finally accepted mom's death.

 I wonder what mom would tell me if she saw me now. Would she be proud of me? Would she stroke my hair and say that I did a good job? Would she hug me and kiss my forehead? Or would she be disappointed in me? That I wasn't the kind of girl she wanted me to be. That I had a liking of music instead of anything serious. That sometimes I get really upset because of dad. That sometimes...I just want to run away. That I want to run away and leave everything and everyone behind. 

 I bet this sounds as the most selfish thing in the world. But the truth is that I'm sick of it. I might have said that I was used to it,but when I start to think about everything I notice how full I am with all of this! I can't make friends because of I would always end up leaving them behind. I can't have a relationship because it's pointless and it would be hard because of the distant. If I were in a relation then I would always be there for them and not just four times a year. 
 I should be having fun with my friends at our usual coffee shop or something. Sometimes I start to blame dad,because it's all his fault. I never wanted to travel! I never wanted him to accept that job! I never wanted him always be busy with work! I never wanted any of this!

 But I know that he is doing all of this for me. And I know that I'm ungrateful.

 Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket and it nearly gave me a heart attack. I fished my phone out and as I was about to unlock it I noticed that some rain drops fell onto my screen. I looked up to the sky,but it was clear and full of starts with the moon ruling it with beauty and grace. I rubbed my eyes and felt the wetness on my hand. I was crying. After so many years I was crying. Until now I always bottled up my feelings and never let them out or cried. My last breakdown was when I was 13 and dad didn't take us to mom's grave on her death's anniversary,not to mention that he wasn't even home that day. That day I broke a lot of stuffs and I did some really stupid things. I don't even want to think about it. I'll never forget that feeling when my fi-

 Another buzz from my phone. I dried my face with the back of my hand and finally unlocked my phone. I had two new messages,one from Madison and one from Grace. I looked at the one which Madison sent me first.

The Devil:-Don't you think it's time for you to come home?


 I opened Grace's message next.

Grace :3 :-Hey girl! Is everything alright? I had this weird feeling in my ears. So I thought I check on you :3

Me:-Yo! You and your weird instincts XD

Grace :3 :-XP
                   -But you still didn't answer my question

Me:-I'm fine. I just really miss you guys. BUT don't tell this to Max,it will only bust her ego.

Grace :3 :-too late XD
                   -We miss you too,girl.

Me:-Sorry,but I gtg,Madison is waiting for me to get home.
       -If you guys have time we could have a video chat tomorrow.

Grace :3 :-Sure!
                   -I gtg too. Max just got her hand stuck on a jar -.-''

Me:-I won't even ask XD

Grace :3 :-Bayh <3

 I finally put my phone away and with my broken skateboard I headed home.


 When I got home Madison's suitcase was already moved from the doorway. The house was really quiet so I assumed that Madison went to bed. I climbed the stairs and went in my room as well. I didn't bothered with turning the lights on. I just stumbled trough the boxes toward my bed and stripped along the way. When I arrived to my bed I was only on my panties and I put on my PJ's that has been on my bed. After that I've changed I let my body fall on my bed. That moment I regretted that I didn't turn on the lamps. I fell onto something. Something really hard. I turned my bedside lamp on and saw a wooden bow on my bed. I eyed it suspiciously but my curiosity got the best of me and I opened the bow. There was a note in the box.

     Dear Riley,

 I thought that the time has come for me to give this to you. This box was your mother's. She made this a week before she passed away. Seemed like she knew that she had to leave soon. She told me to give it to you when the right time comes. When you will be ready for a "change" in your life. I think that time has come. I hope you will like it as much as I liked mine.


I looked under the note. There was a leather covered book,an old camera,an album,another little wooden box with a key and a watch inside the box. The watch seemed to be really old and apparently it wasn't working anymore,because I didn't hear it ticking. It was a pop up watch. It's cover had a wing on it. When I opened it a little photo fell out. It was a photo of a young Madison and and a young Kristen. They were laughing and it seemed like they'd just won some kind of game. Madison had her arm over mom's shoulder who,both of the looked out of breath and extremely happy. I put the picture back into the watch and grabbed the wooden box. I turned the little key and unlocked it. Inside that box were similar little photos of her,Madison,dad,Matthew and me. My breath caught in my throat and I started to cry again. I put everything back into the box and hold it close to my heart.

 And that's how I cried myself to sleep after so many years.


Hey guys!! I'm alive!

So my life kinda quieted down again and finally got time to write :))
Soon I'm gonna finish with my exams and I will have some free time before my other exams on june XD
I'm sorry guys that I've kept you waiting,I feel terribly sorry :((

But looky! An update :D

Thank you for waiting and reading this chapter.
You're fantastic ;D

Until the next update,see yah!! :3

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