Alice:beauty and brain part 1

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I took out another tissue from my pocket and continued to dry my shirt. To my luck,my jacket is waterproof so I only needed to wipe of the food with a wet tissue. My shirt on the other hand, is stained and I'm pretty sure even after a good wash some marks would still stay noticeable...on the good side,my shirt now smells like a thanksgiving meal. Always see the good side of the things! I sighed and threw away the tissue. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and that caused me to sigh again. My shirt had seen better days and the colors running down on my shirt weren't in sync at all!

"I'm so sorry again, Riley...I didn't mean that to happen..."Dani said with her head hung low. I turned around so I was facing her. I smiled at her kindly. Well I tried since I was never good with showing expressions. Matthew was always mad at me because of that,he could never figure out what was in my mind. Of course now he can. I'd be hurt if he couldn't tell what's inside this beautiful mind of mine.
Dani didn't look at me so I had to speak to get her attention.

"It's okay. I wasn't looking where I was going." Dani finally looked up and she still looked like she would start to cry any time. We locked eyes for a second,but she turned her gaze toward the floor again as someone started to talk.

"I'm more concerned about you,girl. Riley could always get a new shirt,but you looked like you saw a ghost or a maniac...or both...or Joker."Shannon stepped closer to Dani and put a hand onto her shoulder. My amazing mind,please remind me why is she here again? To make the short story even shorter, after Dani's food became one with my- your- our...with the shirt she froze at her place. People were laughing and all. Then suddenly Shannon came up to us and took us to the nearest bathroom. And now we are here. Dani shook Shannon's hand off and shook her head.

"I'm fine...I'm just not used to this much attention." Shannon nodded in an understanding way,then she walked over to me and started to search in her back pack.

"Here,you can wear my shirt."She handed me a black shirt with an e sport team logo on it. I don't remember the teams name,nor the game they play,but I know I've seen that logo before somewhere. I was hesitant with taking her shirt,like we aren't friends or anything and I surely didn't want to be a burden to her. I assume that the shirt is really new too and that makes it even harder to take. "Come on,take it!" I shook my head,but she just threw her shirt at me. "If I say take it,you take it."Shannon said with a strong tone. I was a little taken aback. First she's acting like a little kid, then she acts like a some sort of leader-boss-mother thing. She really is a random person. After all she clearly wanted to befriend with me.

"Thanks."I gave in because I saw no point in fighting with her. Shannon nodded and grinned. Forgetting about my surroundings I just took my shirt off and put on the other one. When I pulled the shirt over my head I saw Dani blushing -tho she was blushing this whole time- and Shannon looking in the opposite direction,her face had was a little pink. I became immediately red when I finally understood what I'd just done. "Sorry about this." Shannon started to laugh awkwardly and avoided any kind of eye contact with me. I feel your embarrassment sistah!

"I-it's fine. You just caught me out of guard."Shannon said and soon her awkward laugh died too. And awkward silent fell upon us and I didn't know what to do. I don't want to be ice breaking again! Suddenly the bell rang and knocked us off of our weird daze. Shannon was the fist to react. She zipped her bag and threw it around her shoulder. Dani did the same and so did I. My shirt was now inside my bag. "We should get going. We don't want detention after all." Shannon said returning to her 'I think normal' self. Dani nodded, still looking at the floor.

"Yeah..." It wouldn't matter much,I already had gotten detention. "I'm gonna give your shirt back tomorrow, Shannon."I told her as we were heading out of the bathroom. Shannon nodded and smiled at me.

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