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By Monday the swelling on my cheek had gone down which saved me from having to explain it to my friends at school. It was still a faint purple, but that could be easily covered by a hint of make-up. I stood in the mirror to my bathroom, applying light powder to the bruise when there was a honking sound from outside.

My stomach already churned, nauseated. I didn't even have to pull back the window shades to see the red tint of his car. There sat Mason; prompt and ready to go.

I grabbed my bag in a hurry and shouted a quick goodbye to my family, before heading out the door.

When he arrived he expected me to be out there right on time. No exceptions. I learned that the hard way.

"Morning." I said subtly as I opened the door to the passenger side, even though I'd have much rather sat in the back. There was a less chance of getting hit back there.

"Good morning." he replied, easily backing out of the driveway. He rested his hand on my seat.

"You doing anything later?" he asked after we were a few minutes down the road.

"I've got work."

"You're riding with me, then."

"Mason, I'm perfectly capable getting there on my own."

He clenched his jaw and shot his head around to face me.

"You're riding with me."

His answer was final. I nodded, and looked away from him. He released his grip on my seat as he turned into our school's parking lot. I caught my friends Aly and Rachel raise their hands to wave as he pulled into his usual parking space. Mason turned off the ignition, and I climbed out, eager to be out of his reach. He glared in my direction as I jogged up to the front doors. I knew I'd suffer for it later. Mason always walked me in, but after what happened the previous day, I couldn't bear being in his presence any longer than necessary.

"Hey," Aly greeted me as we made our way down the hall.

"Rough morning?" Rachel asked, slightly grimacing at my appearance. I frowned, hoping the bruises weren't too evident on my face.

"Um, not really. Just tired."

Rachel didn't question me further.

"So where's Mason?" Aly asked.

"He's parking. We don't have to be with each other every second," I added a joking smile for emphasis.

"Of course not," Rachel said with a giggle, "it's just that, you guys seem insepareble. You're always together."

I looked down, refusing to meet their gaze as a lie formed on my lips.

"Well...we love each other. Maybe you guys will understand someday."

Aly playfully rolled her hazel eyes.

"Gee thanks. Just rub it in our forever-alone faces."

"You know I didn't mean it like that."

"We know, I'll catch you guys in Pre-Cal." Rachel said hurrying off once we reached our lockers. She's assigned at the end of the hall while Aly and I, both surname's beginning with F, were only four spaces away.

"Catch ya later." I said opening my locker. Just as I reached in and grabbed my Physics textbook, it was taken right out of my hands before I could even open my bag.

"Hey!" I turned around meet with Chase's face inches above mine. He smirked down at me.

"Morning Kay."

Love Me | Series Book #1Where stories live. Discover now