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        I collasped, head first onto the bed after yet another day. With the balls of my feet, I slid my moccasins off and sat up to stretch. Mason had dropped me off about ten minutes ago, but decided to stay a little longer to chat with my mom.

Yeah, my mom.

My own parents are also among the many victims who've fallen under Mason's charm. Even my dad, unlike normal fathers who are supposed to have a natural hatred for their daughter's boyfriends, can stand him. In fact he worships the ground beneath him for his football abilities. My dad's been a die-hard football fanatic since birth. He'd planned to play throughout high school, but suffered a terrible knee-injury during his sophomore year. By the time he was applying for colleges, he'd just gotten back on his feet. Once the years passed and he realized that the established football player career was out of the question, he settled on the next best thing available to him: Coaching little league. Now he's even got my brother dead-set on achieving the dreams that once belonged to him. So, if anything, Mason's just scored extra points for being the quarterback at school. I make my father proud by being the lucky girl that managed to tie him down.

It's pathetic, really.

There was a knock on my door. I sighed and rolled my eyes preparing for it to be either Mason, who's probably still lurking around my house, or my mom.

"I'm coming," I muttered, standing from my bed. I started for the door in no rush, but the knocking continued from the other side.

"I said I'm coming!" I exclaimed pulling open the door, only to come face to face with Aaron.

No surprise there. Who else would be so impatient but my dearest little brother?

"Mom said to come downstairs and say goodbye to Mason." He announced, looking up at me with crossed arms. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"Fine." I replied, pushing past him.

"It's about time he leave." I caught him mumble before I descended the stairs. I snickered. Aaron's the only other person in my family who seems to have sense when it comes to Mason. He's made it clear since we started dating that he despises him. Several times he's come up and asked me,

"Why don't you date Chase? I like him a whole lot better."

I always laugh it off and explain that me and Chase are nothing but friends, but I think he may have a point. Not about the whole dating Chase thing, but I'm beginning to wonder to myself why I don't just get out of the relationship. Why do I put up with Mason when I obviously don't have to?

A part or me knew its because I'm too naive and I believe in giving people second chances, but the other side was screaming that it runs deeper than that; that I'm in love with him.

I pushed those terrifying thoughts aside as I reached the bottom of the stairs. Mason stood by the front door in the parlor, laughing about something with my mother.
I cleared my throat.

"Oh, there you are, honey." My mom said, finally acknowledging my presence. "Come say goodbye to your boyfriend. Don't be a stranger." She chuckled.

I ignored her, and walked past the two of them towards the kitchen, muttering a goodbye as I passed by.

"Later babe," Mason feigned a smile. His expression fell as he took in my cold demeanor.

I pulled open the cabinet doors and reached for a snack.

"We'll talk to you later Mason. Take care," I heard Mom say before pulling the door closed. "Kaya, get in here please."

I rolled my eyes and headed back into the parlor with a pop tart in hand.

Love Me | Series Book #1Where stories live. Discover now