Chapter 5

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Ali's P.O.V

It's been two days since the incident in the cafe  and the days have breezed passed although I still wonder about him, what's his name? Why was he so angry at me? So many questions keep running through my head which I have no answers for and its driving me insane.

I shake my head to get ride of the thoughts and focus on my tv screen      I'm watching the news about this big gang fight in a club down town. "Latest reports show that Damian Knight heir to the smoke riders mafia gang is responsible for this uprise. After confronting a rival gang which ended in a blood bath at club New York" Said the news reporter. "Ten civilians where killed during gun fire and four police officers who arrived at the scene during heavy armed fire."

After hearing the news the channel showed a picture and my mind completely freezes. It's him omg it's the guy at the cafe, was he one of the victims? I thought "this is the latest picture of young Damian Knight, if anyone has seen him you are strongly advised to head to your nearest police station and give information ...."

The sound of the news reporter faded into the background as I stare at the picture. "No way it can't be" I whispered " he...he, no he. There has to be a mistake what would he want with me??" My mind was a massive mess all these questions flooded through me head, I suddenly felt dizzy. I turned the tv off and opened the window to get some fresh air in, I walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water feeling the soft breeze cool my heated skin.  As I watch the streets outside my open window I start to think what if he came into the cafe to kill me? He's gonna kill me, I'm gonna die a virgin I will never get to grow old and watch my kids grow up, maybe I can offer him money??  My breathing comes in short pants and I start to freak out and a small layer of sweat forms on my forehead. I frantically search my apartment for any hidden cameras, when I don't find any I breath a sigh of relief. OMG I left the window open. I mentally scream in my mind as a rush to the window and close it followed by the blinds on all the windows. Ahh safe at last, I check the clock on the kitchen wall and it reads 8:30 pm " time for a shower and then off to bed" I say to myself still confused and extremely scared about the whole Damian thing.

After my shower I settle into bed with a oversize t shirt and underwear. I turn off my lamp and stare at my dark ceiling, the only source of light is the small bits of moon light that comes through the gaps of the blinds. I have to say  I'm still a little freaked out about Damian maybe I should head to the police station tomorrow I wondered yeah that's a good idea I thought as my eyelids start to get heavy before darkness takes me.

So Ali found out who Damian is!! And next chapter Damian will finally make his move. Thanks to everyone who is reading please like and comment xx

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