Chapter 10

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I  wake with warmth surrounding me like a blanket, my pillow hard but comfortable at the same time and I soon find my self snuggling closer to the warmth. That's when I here my pillow moan and I snap my eyes open and on instinct my body goes stiff. "What's wrong baby" even when he's half asleep he still sounds so freaking good, I choose not to answer and pretend I'm asleep. When I hear him move my heart rate picks up and I suddenly get extremely hot under all the covers. "I can tell your awake kitten" he whispers in my ear but I still pretend I'm asleep ever thought I know I'm not fooling anyone. We wait in silence for a couple of minutes until I felt his presence right up close to me and yet I still didn't open my eyes that's when I felt his breath on my left collarbone, I have a light sweat on my forehead and my breathing is becoming shallower. "Open your eyes Ali." When I didn't move I heard him growl with annoyance before he bit down on my neck, my eyes snapped open and I let out a scream, his hand closed around my mouth to muffle my scream. Once he's done he looks me in the eye and says " don't ever ignore me again kitten or your punishment will be so much worse." In a deadly cool manner, I just nod my head while glaring at him as he walked to the wardrobe.

Once he was dressed in a suit he came over to me on the bed. "Now princess I'm going to work in my office on the 4th floor. You will be starting to learn your duties as the lady of the house and Rose will explain further. If you need me just ask rose and she will take you to my office. And don't bother trying to escape because I have security all over the place. Now I must go but have a good day kitten and I will see you at dinner." He kisses my forehead before leaving me alone in the massive bedroom.

Once he left the room I scrambled of the bed and checked all the windows to find there locked and there's no way out with the Windows, I huff with frustration. " your not trying to escape are you?? Because this place is rock tight" says a feminine voice. I turn around and see a small lady with long fiery red hair, she was lean but with curves any women would love to have, with those ocean green eyes. She looked like a fucking model compared to my plain figure. "Uhh.... No I was... Just trying to...... Uh get some fresh air" I give a weak smile. "Mmmhmm" she hums. "Who are you" I ask "ohh right sorry I get side tracked really easily. I'm Rose and your Ali I know Damian would not stop going on about you. I'm supposed to show you the duties of the house." She rambles on.

"Ohh ok" I say, then I got a sudden thought what if she likes Damian. "Who are you to Damian?" I ask rather seriously. She gives me a knowing smile before saying " I'm not one of his whores if that what you mean. He's like a brother to me and my brother Justin is his second in command and Don't worry I've all ready got myself a man so he's all yours." While adding a wink at the end. I feel relived when I here this but then mentally scold myself for even asking. I can't like him he's so demanding, annoying but so unbelievably good looking. No stop Ali you have to get out of here.

"Alright we should get going" she says clapping. I look down and see I'm only standing in my bra and underwear. She seems to catch me and then says " ohh right let me get you some clothes" while walking to the wardrobe. She pulls out some grey sweats and a white t shirt before handing them to me. I grab them quickly and dress while looking at the floor in embarrassment. Once I'm done and dressed In Damian's over sized clothes Rose rushes me out the door and gives me a tour of the mansion. The 4th floor is all offices. 3rd floor all bedrooms and bathrooms. 2nd game room, living room, gym, Library. 1st floor kitchen, dinning room and main meeting area which leads to a patio and the garden, well more like a forest and on the side is a pool.

Once Rose gave me the tour she lead me to the maid house which is a small cottage to the side of the mansion where all the maids live. She gathered all the maids and there where about ten of them and introduced me. "Everyone, this is Ali. Master Damian's future wife she is to be the lady of the house so in other words Ali is your boss. Treat her like you would master Damian." Rose spoke confidently towards the ladies, most of them look friendly but there was about 3 that look like there uniforms are ten sizes to small. You could tell who ran that little group she had fake blonde hair and blue eyes. She was the definition of fake, she must of been 70% plastic at least, with those fake eyelashes and fake nails and the amount of makeup she wore, it was like she wanted to look like a pumpkin.

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