Chapter 12

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With the picture above just imagine a girl with blonde hair lol ⬆️⬆️

I try to move out of his grasp but it seemed he doesn't like that idea because he slammed me back into his body and snaked an arm around my waist keeping me in place and growled at me, he freaking growled at me like some animal seriously this guy needs some help.

I struggle against him but it seems my attempts only seem to amuse him. "Ali I swear to god if you keep shaking that ass of yours in that good for nothing nightdress I will take you right here on the floor!" He states roughly. It takes a while for my mind to comprehend what Damian said but as soon as my mind does I'm as still as statue and give a huff of frustration.

After a while he seemed to be able to relax and calm down and slowly loosened his arm around my waist. Once I was sure I was out of the woods I slowly moved towards the changing rooms never once looking back in case it sparked another one of his fits again. Once i was safely inside i leaned against the door and put a cold hand on my racing heart, i took a couple deep breaths to calm myself and once my breathing and pulse where steady again i began to undress so i could get the hell out of the god forsaken shop and into a nice warm bed. 

I was halfway finished getting dressed with my jeans and bra on when the change room door burst open ravel and deranged looking Damian, " AHHHH, Damian what the fuck get the he-" i was cut off when Damian smashed his lips on mine and pushed my back against the wall, caging me in with his arms. OMG OMG OMG, Damian is kissing me he is actually kissing me i think to myself. Whoa Ali get a hold of yourself, push him away fight back you don't want this!! i scream mentally in my mind. Finally finding enough motivation i start to fight back i claw, punch, slap anything i can get my hands on, but no matter how much i struggle his strength is no match for my attempts.

He's kissing me like there is no tomorrow, like i am the source of his oxygen. He is aggressive but gentle at the same time. My lips are frozen in place refusing him entrance, Damian gives a growl of annoyance and bites down HARD on my bottom lip causing me to groan in pain, which gives him enough time to enter my mouth, i can feel him tasting every inch of my mouth. By now my lungs are burning for oxygen and i know i'm about to pass out from lack of oxygen any second now, so without thinking i bit down hard on his tongue  hard enough to draw blood then with all my strength i push him hard sending him flying toward the opposite wall.  His recovery is quick and we just stare at each other in our fighting positions, all that is heard is our heavy breathing in the small room. A small trail of blood falls from the corner of his mouth and i cant help but want to go over and see if he's ok. What the hell Ali get your shit together, you cant care for him he's the enemy.

I find my self arguing with what my mind wants me to do and what my body wants to do but i am pulled out of my mini  argument when i hear Damian say "That was not a smart move on you part kitten, denying me whats mine" he made a tsking sound but that's not what scared me, what scared was the sadistic yet determined look in his eyes, like he had something to prov.So i decide to give him a piece of my mind. " What the actual fuck, i am sick and tired of your bloody mood swings one minute your angry the next your happy and then your fucking in killer Damian mode. Your crazy you know that, thinking it's ok to take some poor innocent girl out of her amazing life just because she rejected you, i mean who the hell does that. You need to know that i don't love you nor even like you in fact i HATE you, i don't want you, i don't want to be your wife and i certainly don't want my future kids around you crazy, lunatic ass. So why don't you do us both a favour and let me the fuck GO!!" i scream at him.  

For a flicker of a second i see hurt flash in his face but it is quickly replaced with a white hot burning rage. In a flash my front is pressed against his front and he has a handful of my hair, he pulls down ruthlessly and i let out a struggled scream my scalp burning from the pressure and my hand clawing at him trying to make Damian let go, he brings his face down close to my left ear and hisses in a menacing tone "Listen here Ali because i will only ever say this once. I own you down to the last hair in your body and if i have to break you and then put you back together just so you submit to me i will, i am the only one you need, the only one who will love you,care for you, supply you with everything your heart desires and needs and if i have to force you to love me i will because Ali i LOVE YOU , i WANT YOU, you will be MY WIFE, have MY CHILDREN and i don't care if you do it on you own free will or not because you will never leave me and if you do you will never feel safe because i will always find you. So my beautiful bride stop trying to fight me because it will only get worse for you, do you understand?". By now the tears where flowing down my face  and my whole body shaking from fear, when i didn't respond he got even closer and whispered " DO YOU UNDERSTAND ALI?" even though he whispered it felt like he was yelling at me and caused me to flinch and nod my head vigorously. "good, now get dressed its time to leave" Damian said in a cold tone before walking out, leaving me to sink down to my knees and cry, cry for my friends, family but most importantly to cry for myself.

After a couple minutes i finally manage to get myself together and get dressed my face pale and eyes red and puffy from crying but i hold me head high i wont let him break me. i walk out of the change room and find Damian paying for all the clothes and to my surprise he still brought the maroon nightdress the nerve of that man i rage in my mind, when i walk up to the counter i grab the bag and start to make my way back to the jeep, Damian quickly caught up yo me and snatched the bag from my hand and walked ahead before throwing it into the boot where all the other bags where i glared at him as he got in the jeep, before slowly building up enough courage and getting in the jeep. The atmosphere in the car was tense and extremely bitter. No one said a word and i could tell Damian was on the brink of losing control, his jaw clenched  and knuckles white from how tight he was holding the steering wheel, i didn't even dare to breath.

When i saw the mansion come into view i gave a silent sigh of relief, the gates slowly opened and Damian sped down the driveway and skidded to a stop before swiftly getting out and marching his way to the front door leaving me alone to carry all the shopping bags. But seems luck is finally on my side because as i was 'attempting' to carry all the bays yo my room i literally bump into Rose. She helps me out and as we start sorting through my knew wardrobe Rose finally asks me "Want happened between Damian and you when you guys went to the shops because he is really pissed?" and so i told her from start to finish, every single detail. " And that's when he went all ape shit on me" i explain as i put the final piece of clothing away in the walking closet. "Ohh wow, well don't worry about he just needs time to cool off, but you have to understand he loves you Ali and want you said really hurt him. Look why don't you come down for dinner to take you mind of things." she gives me a gentle smile. " No thanks Rose i'm not really feeling well and i just want to go to bed" i lie " Ohh ok, don't worry i understand. fell better Ali and i will see you tomorrow" Rose says to me and i just giver her a nod as she closes the bedroom door.

Once Rose left i headed towards the bathroom and took a warm shower which really helped with my sore muscles. I then changed into some pj's and settled into bed. Sleep never came to me and it was around 1 AM in the morning Damian never came to bed and i find myself going over the events of the previous day. I finally uncovered the monster Beneath Damian's skin and it scared me to the core but also intrigued me, i wanted to know how he got that way but know i would have to poke the bear for that to happen, i really just needed to focus on myself and find a way to escape this hell because we all know that curiosity killed the cat. So with my plan i formedin my head i decided i will spend the next few days gaining as much information as i can to get out of my prison while i try to uncover Damian's past.

Who knew i would be walking into the lions den...... 

Hello my lovely readers thank you for reading and if you like this chapter please like and comment it means the world to me. I'm thinking of doing next chapter half and half, one half Damian's P.O.V and the next half Ali's P.O.V but i shall see, once again i'm sorry for any mistakes or grammar issues but like i said in previous chapters i'm not a perfectionist, so until next time xxx 

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