Chapter 7

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I am completely shocked, frozen in place my muscles refusing to move any more. I have absolutely no clue what to do, I just stare at him with wide, frightened eyes. How did he get in my apartment? He's gonna kill me? What the fuck am I supposed to do with a psych, killing mafia leader in my living room.

"I... How... you...uh" is all I could say at this moment. I see his classic devilish smirk grow wider at my stuttering. I feel as though I will faint if he comes any closer, so when I see him ease out of the chair and come striding towards me, I am in complete panic mode it's either kill or be killed. I search the room frantically for any weapon but all I could see was pillows. Dammit I knew I should have brought that vase for the side table I curse my self.

I see him walking towards me with confident, predator steps as I step backwards with small steps like a dear in headlights. Once my back hits a wall and I know I'm fucked and when I see his smirk grow even more I really wished I brought that vase.

" uhh don't come any closer. I have already called the cops" I squeak. " ohh but babe we both know that's not true, you see I have been watching you Ali for quite a while. You see when I saw you in that cafe something drew me towards you but when you rejected me, well I was very pissed at first but then I just couldn't help but laugh" he chuckled. " Look dude... I umm Look ok I don't care who you are but I don't like you and that means I don't what to go on a date with you ok" I mange not to choke on my words.

He stopped just in front of me " but angel you just don't understand when I want some thing I get it. And when you left well that was you second mistake because I love a good game of cat and mouse. your first mistake was lying to me about your name and most importantly that you are a lesbian but I will let that slide for now. " he whispered. That's when my sassy side kicked in, " listen here buddy what I do, what I say and whether I'm a lesbian or not is my business, so you need to shut that big mouth of yours and get your STD ass out of my apartment" I growled. He looked stunned at first at my outburst but them the sound of his laughter and my heavy breathing filled the room. Once he finished he smirked at me and said "sorry babe please continue, I must say you look absolutely smoking hot when your angry and flustered. Makes me wonder what you will look like when I'm making love to you" he breathed. Now I was absolutely pissed, so I did the only thing I could do try and hit him, key word there 'try'. My fist was in mid air aiming for his glorious face but only to have it blocked but his massive hand closing over my small one. I screamed in frustration and defeat.

"What do you want" I whisper "you" comes his short reply. "Why" I manage to choke out through the shock. Damian just smirks at me, I know I'm trapped. I look at him with wide eyes my body shaking with fear. Damian is centimeters from my face with his arms caging me in. "I want to own you Ali. Mind, body and soul. I want you to give me your heart and most importantly I want the whole world to know your MINE" he breaths into my neck. That when the darkness hits me but not before I fall into a pair of warm, strong arms.

Hey guys so this bit is from the description of the book I just added and took some things away. Thanks to everyone who it reading. Please vote if you like it and comment as well, I love to hear what you guys think xxx

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