Chapter 1

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"Miranda, get your ass up!" My roommate Sarah yelled at me as she shook my shoulders. I slowly sat up from my bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

I looked at her confused until my gaze lowered and I seen the alarm clock reading 7:25. I feel my heart practically stop. I have 15 minutes to get to school, only five to get to the bus.

"Fuck!" I breathe out, jumping off my bed. I scatter to my closet and grab a white crop top and some ripped up black high wasted shorts. I run to my dresser and grab a white bra and under wear. I look at Sarah who is standing there with an amused look on her face.

"Well, I guess I will go and get you a breakfast bar and get your back pack ready." She said with a small chuckle as she walked out.

I quickly ran into the bathroom and peeled off my pajamas. I jumped into the shower and blasted it on cold. I knew if I didn't wash my hair it would be greasy, I have to wash my hair at least every other day so it won't be. I run the soap across my body and then grab the shampoo I quickly squirt some into my hands and rub it into my hair. Once I am finished with that and getting dressed I grab a pair of socks and slide on my converses.

I grab the brush and brush through my hair as I run down the stairs. I grab my back pack and granola bar from Sarah, she smiles and waves as she walks out. My hair is a shaggy pixie cut so I don't really have to do anything to it.

I am about to walk out the door until I remember I forgot my phone. I run back upstairs and into my room. I quickly grab my phone and stuff it in my back pocket. I then ran back down stairs and out the door making sure it was locked I ran out of the apartment and to the bus stop. I watch as I just barely miss the bus. Sarah is looking out the window looking amused at me being late again.

I groan as I begin sprinting to school, at least mom made me do soccer and track,

I have been late like ten times this school year and if I am late again I will be in huge trouble.

I know what you're thinking, why is a 17 year old girl running down the street when she can drive. Well that's the problem I can't drive. Like I can but I am too scared to.

Ever since my parents got in that crash.. I just can't even stand being in a vehicle. It took my parents life away it very well could do the same to me.

I feel sad at the thought of my parents but push it away I need to focus on my running. In no time I am at the entrance to the school, with three minutes to spare. I rush into the hallway and to my locker. I quickly put in my combination and shove my back pack in. I grab the text book and notebook I need and then run to class. As soon as I sit down in the chair the bell goes off.

I smirk in victory. I look over and see my twin brother, who so rudely left me this morning sitting across the room with his eyebrow raised. I flip him the finger before smiling at him.

After the crash he was the only family I  had left, so we stick together. We are practically identical since we both pretty much have the same hair cut.

we both have blonde hair with natural highlights, we are both skinny. Although he is very muscular compared to me the main muscle i have is my legs, but what could i expect i run like non stop.

Really the only difference is he as bright blue eyes and i have dark green eyes with golden and brown specks in them. I don't really like my eyes but people complement them all the time.

I get snapped out of my daze when i hear the teacher, "Mrs. Tollen, do you know the answer to this?" His voice is sharp filled with a little anger, probably because i wasn't listening.

I followed his finger as he pointed at a math problem on the projector. I glared at the problem trying to figure it out. I finally gave up and shook my head no.

"Well, maybe you should pay attention from now on then." He snaps. What crawled up his ass and died?

I know mr. Adans is usually snippy but never this bad. i nod my head. He turns back around and explains the problem to the class.

I continued not paying attention to all my teachers until lunch came around. i am now walking down the hallway to the cafeteria.

I watch as Cameron (my twin brother) runs up to me.

"Hey, how was your morning?" He asks clearly knowing my morning sucked. He gives me a side smirk as i continued my way down the hall. I hear him chuckle at me for not even answering him.

"So, today is friday," Cameron says happily smiling at me.

"And?" I ask knowing he's excited about something.

"We are going to a party!" He smiles even more.

"Umm, how 'bout no." I smile at him when he looks at me annoyed.

"You never want to go!"

"Well duh, why would I? Underage drinking, drugs, sex. No thank you." I laugh.

"Please," he begs me.

"No, you and all your horny lil friends can pass diseases to one another, i am perfectly happy on the couch with my phone and some watermelon." He frowns.

"Sarah's going!" He adds

I groan, "If I agree to go for like an hour and then leave, will you stop pestering me?" I frown as he smiles and nods.

"Fine then." I say as we enter the cafeteria and walk over to Sarah at our normal table.

If you find any spelling errors or anything please I would love it if you commented and let me know. Thank you, enjoy!!!

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