Chapter 13

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When I woke up Grey was in bed with me. I lifted my eyebrows confused.

"I took a day off," he says looking at me for another moment before standing up and getting out of the bed. I watch him walk to the bathroom and then come out a minute later with jeans on,  they hang low on his waist.

I look away and slowly slide out of bed. I slowly walk to the bathroom until grey grabs my forearm. I look at him questionable.

"Where are you going?"

"To wash my ass," I say glaring at him he pushes me gently to the bathroom and walks out of the room. I walk into the bathroom and take about a two hour shower.

After I finish I grab the towel of the hook and wrap it securely around my body.  I look in the body mirror to make sure everything is covered. I open the door and walk to the closet. My shoulder slightly hunched - still mad at myself for failing my whole plan - I grab a giant sweater and skinny jeans along with under wear and a bra. I walk back to the bathroom and shut the door, locking it. I quickly get dressed, Once I am finished I walk back out and then out of the bedroom. I slowly hop down each step like a child. When I get to the kitchen I notice Grey is already sitting at the table eating eggs. I am a little surprised he didn't make me breakfast like he has been, but then I remember I almost killed the guy with some damned soup.  I snort a little at my thoughts and walk to the fridge. I grab a banana and walk to my end of the table.

I plop down and begin eating. As I ate I noticed he didn't watch me at all today. Usually when I eat he watches me like a freaking hawk.
I take my banana peel and throw it in the trash. I begin walking out until I hear him cough to get my attention. I turn around and see him standing there he rubs his hand through his hair and then points at his plate.

I glare at him and continue walking. He can put his damned plate in the sink himself, he has both his arms and legs. I walk up the stairs until I hear him call my name. I turn around and roll my eyes when I see him at the bottom of the stairs with his arms crossed and scowling at me, like my father would do.

"Yes?" I snap. He looks back towards the kitchen, signalling for me to take care of his dish.

"You're not fucking three, you can take care of the plate yourself." I grit out, annoyed. I watch him march up the stairs. I stand my ground and puff my chest a little like an animal would to their opponent. He stops on the stair below me, he's still taller then me.

He grabs my arm and pulls me down the stairs roughly. He pushes me into the kitchen, making me fall to the floor.
He points at that fucking plate on the table.

I stand up full of anger and march to the plate.

"You want me to take care of this fucking plate?!" I shout, looking at him from across the room. He gives me a small nod as if I meant nothing to him.

"Fine," I grit through my teeth as my hands throw the plate at his head before I even realize what I was doing. His eyes were wide with horror, he tries to dodge it but he was to slow and it hits him in the head. I hear the satisfying sound of the glass breaking. I close my eyes as I hear him scream in both pain and anger and then a loud thump. I slowly open my eyes and notice he's laying on the ground.

I walk over to him, I check his pulse and notice he's still alive. I smile, time to leave this place.

I grab his arm and drag him down the stairs. his body hitting each step. I would be amazed if he woke up and his whole body wasn't in pain. I pull him into the first room I see that has a lock on the outside. I bite my lip when I notice it has more pictures of me on the wall, a few of my things on the table. I drag him in the corner and check his pockets. I find the house keys, car keys, and his wallet. I smile proudly and walk out of the room. I make sure to lock the bedroom. I climb the stairs and then I lock the basement door. I walk to the front door, happily, and unlock it. I walk out of the house looking around. I turn around and shut the door, I lock that as well, even though he probably has a spare key. I walk to his truck and open the door, I shove the keys in the ignition and shut the door. I pull out and begin driving to who knows where.

--- Two Hours Later ---

I am still driving, there's like nothing in sight. I passed a few houses but I didn't dare stop, I am gonna get as far as I can away from him. I passed a police station but I was to scared to go in. One because it was surprisingly close to his house and Two he is a detective so he probably has a lot of friends and allies in there that may give me back. I didn't want to risk the chance.

I drive until the sun starts to go down, thats when I begin feeling tired. I turn the radio on and blast it as loud as I can handle. Trying to stay awake I sang along even if I didn't know the lyrics.

I drive for about three more hours until my eyes begin slouching. I drive to a motel and shut the vehicle off. I grab his wallet and flip it open. I find 500 dollars in it as well as his badge, license, and credit card. I grab the money and stuff it in my pants, I walk into the motel and see a man in his thirties maybe sitting at the desk.

I walk over there and ask for a room and give him the money. I grab the room key and walk to my room. I asked him for the room in the middle, just incase Grey finds me. He can't kill me if I am surrounded by people, right?

I walk into the room and lock the door. I grab the remote and flop onto the bed. Too be honest I'd be surprised if Grey didn't find me. Like, he's a detective and a good one. I don't think I thought this fully through.

I begin dozing off as the tv blares in the back ground.

I hope he doesn't find me anytime soon though. I want at least a day of freedom before I get punished for running away...

Sorry for not publishing, schools been busy. I hope you enjoy the chapter. LIKE AND COMMENT PLZ.

And also you should go follow me on Instagram I am


I publish my art and some selfies. So yeah,

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