Chapter 19

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I sit there awkwardly as he piles broccoli, chicken, and some noodles on my plate in front of me. He then does the same to his plate. Once he finishes he puts the pan back on the stove and takes his normal seat at the table. I watch him intently as he eats. My mind still trying to wrap around the fact that someone so normal looking can be so crazy.

I have to get out of here before we get married, if not for me then for my parents.
I need to see them one last time and I know if I stay here I more then likely won't.
I didn't notice I zoned out until I hear Grey sickly sweet voice trying to snap me out of it. I look at him and hold a light glare.

"What?" I grit out.

"I was just telling you everyone thats coming to the wedding tomorrow." He says calmly continuing to shovel food in his face.
I inwardly groan at even the mere thought of his family, what happens if they're as crazy as him?

"Unless its my family then I could care less who comes." I say irritated at the conversation already.

"They are your family though," He says looks at me like an innocent child.

"No they're not, and they never will be." I say annoyed as I stand up and dump the food in the trash. I am about to walk out when I feel a hand pull me back by my wrist.

"You better watch yourself, I've been more then fair. When my family gets here tomorrow you better be on your best behavior and not disrespect them."
He says glaring at me.

"Fair!?" I take a deep breath in before continuing, "How is this fair at all? I had no option in this situation!" I shout angrily in his face.

"I haven't beaten you like at all! You're lucky I brought you to my home, I did you a favor. Saved you from all the hurt in the world." He says exasperated.

"You still beat me though!" I throw back, "And I much rather deal with the small amount of pain from the real world then deal with your crazy ass."

"I am not crazy! I just love you, and when you're in love you do crazy things. You make me crazy." He grits out, his jaw clenched in anger.

"This is not love, its and obsession. And if you ever think I will fall in love with you you're lying to yourself, this is a forced love." I scream angrily at him, "In fact, this can't even be forced love because I HATE YOU!" I spit in his face. I watch his face grow red from anger, I quickly try to retract my hand from his grasp but fail.

I feel a stinging sensation in my left cheek as I collapse to the ground, a loud gasp leaves my mouth. I stare up at him with wide eyes.

"..You slapped me...?"I state even though it came out more as a question.

He looks down with guilt in his eyes, "I-I am sorry, you k-know I wouldn't h-hurt you on p-p-purpose." He stutters out looking as if he was about to cry.

I continue glaring at him which was hard because I was shocked to see a grown man like him cry. He tries to reach out to touch me but I flinch back and shake my head rapidly.

"Don't touch me." I stand up and quickly march to 'our room.' I make sure to slam the door behind me. I then walk into the bathroom and run the bathtub. I turn around to see Grey standing in the doorway. I glare at him still annoyed by everything he's dragged me through.

"What do you want?" I growl out turning back around to check the water.

"I was coming to apologize again and to check on you." He said looking at the ground for a while.

"Well get out so I can bathe." I demand turning back around to face him.

"I could join you." He smirks and looks my body up and down.

"I think I'll pass." I say quickly.

"I can't wait for tomorrow night," He says ignoring my rejection as he walks farther in. He grabs my waist and pulls my into his chest.

"I definitely can." I say rudely into his chest. I feel his body vibrate and hear his light chuckling.

"I love your spite, it's adorable." He says kissing my cheek.

"Well, I guess I will leave you to it," He says looking at the bath and then at my body. I nod my head and push him lightly to the door, trying to get him to leave faster.

Once he walks out I quickly shut the bathroom door and lock it. I check the water one last time as the tub fills up. I begin stripping off my clothes. Once I am undressed I jump in and add a little bubbles. I stir a little until I find a comfortable spot and lay like that for a while.

My body jolts up when I hear the door being pounded on. The water is now cold and my body is all pruney. The door gets knocked on again, I look at it for a second before calling out, "What?"

"Nothing, did you stay in there all night?" I look down at my body again and notice all the bubbles disappeared and my body was like one giant prune. I gasp shocked before quickly jumping out. I grab the towel quickly after feeling the cold air hit my bare body.

"Y-yeah." I call back to Grey. I hear a light chuckle before hearing him walk away. I quickly dry myself off and get dressed into the pajamas I had picked out for tomorrow.

 I leave the comfort of my bathroom as I walk into the bedroom. I look at the bed and notice it has a long beautiful dress laying on it. As soon as I see the white dress and heels I feel vile rise in my throat. I quickly rush back into the bathroom and bend over the toilet. I throw up clear liquid since I haven't eaten in awhile. Once I pull myself together again I walk out. I don't dare look at the dress as I walk past it and into the hallway. Once I left the room I feel a weight being lifted off my chest. If I see that dress again soon I might cry. I take my time as I walk downstairs, the smell of eggs and bacon hit my nose. After throwing up the little bit of food I had in my stomach I am hungry. I rush into the kitchen, the smell of food brought a small smile to my lips.

The smile quickly drops when I notice an older man in the kitchen rather then Grey.

"Greeeyyyyyyyy!" I shout dragging out his name.

I watch the old man jump a little at the sudden sound, he turns around and  smiles when he see's me. After a few seconds Grey barges in looking confused, "What sweetie?" I cringe at the name but point at the man in Grey's kitchen.

"Who's he?" I ask, I eye the man up and down and notice he looks a lot like Grey.

"My father," he smiles happily. I frown a little realizing why he's here.

"So this is the girl you talk about all the time, the love of your life," I frown after hearing the word love being used in this situation. "Well it's nice to finally meet you sweetheart. Can't wait to have you as a daughter." he smiles at me.

"Oh! You still have to meet my mother and sister. Come on." he says smiling as he tugs my arm, I groan inwardly.

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