chapter 12

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I laid on his lap my legs dangling over one side and my head dangling over the other. I feel his hand make contact with the left side of my butt making me scream out in pain.

I grip onto his pants and feel tears fill my eyes as he hits the right side.

Why whenever I read a story like this do they make getting spanked hot, this shit hurts. I thought to myself as he continues his actions.

He spanks each side twenty times. Making a total of forty, painful ass spanks. By the time we are done I have his pants in a death grip and tears are streaming down my face, my butt practically numb. I feel his hand slide from the left side of my butt to the right and then he slowly starts to massage it. I cringe at the pain radiating off of my ass every time his hand moves.

After a couple minutes of him massaging my butt my energy finally comes back. I jerk away from him and then stand up. He stays sorted and watches me intently.

I use my sleeve to wipe away any tears that escaped.

"I wouldn't have done that if you behaved." His voice was no longer gentle it was deep and cold.

"I would have behaved if you didn't kidnap me!" I snap glaring at him.

"Do you need another punishment?" He asks lifting an eyebrow lazily. I shake my head no backing up a little.

"Come here," his voice was a little calmer now. I slowly walk to him, each step hurt like hell.

I sat next to him like he told me and looked at the ground.

"I think it's time for bed," he breathes out. I let out a breathe of air I didn't realize I was holding in. I slid onto the bed and laid now. Grey pulled the covers over me and crawled in next to me. I felt disgusted as he pulled me into his chest. He cuddled up to me and quickly fell asleep. I laid there for awhile until I let darkness take over.


Sorry it tool so long to update I've been getting ready to go to school. Its a short chapter but I figured it is better then nothing.

Don't forget to




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