Chapter 15

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I surprisingly didn't pass out, sadly. Instead Grey picked me up - bridal style- and walked me back upstairs. I whine out every once and awhile when my clothing brushes against it but Grey hush's me and whispers nice things gently in my ear. God, how much I hate him.

He lays me on the bed and pulls the covers over me, making sure he doesn't touch my burn. "I am gonna go make you food and get you something to drink so you don't pass out, okay?" he asks lifting his eyebrows.

"What happens if I want to pass out?" I snap back feeling a little of my stubbornness coming back.

"You don't talk back." He scolds me. "If you continue misbehaving I will punish you again, got it?" He snaps back. I quickly mumble a yes. After the small argument he rushes off to get my food and water. He comes back a few minutes later.

I look at the small gray tray in his hand the contents on it are all simple. On the tray is water, toast and some watermelon. Once he puts the tray down the watermelon was gone in a second.

Grey smiles at me happily, "I knew watermelon was your favorite so I bought five." He says proudly of himself.
I know five may sound like a lot to a normal person but I could eat a whole watermelon to myself in an hour, if I was allowed to. I downed the glass, I didn't really realize how thirsty I was until I took a drink of water. I chewed the corners of the toast and then flopped the rest of it back onto the tray.

Grey looks at me disapprovingly for this. I just shrug and look out the window of his room. Or what he likes to call it 'our room.' I am not sharing shit with him but if saying 'our room' keeps his tits untwisted then so be it.

"Eat your toast," He urges. I shake my head no, not wanting it.

"I said eat the damned toast," He demands this time.

I grabbed the toast and annoyingly shoved the whole thing in my mouth. The toast pushed my cheeks out probably making me look like a chipmunk. I chewed it the worst way I could. Making sure I smack my lips every time. I could see his knuckles turning white from clenching his fists.

Once I finish he smiles lightly and grabs the tray. At least one of us is happy, I think as I role my eyes at his retreating form. I have to focus on a new escape plan. The rest of the day passed with me sitting in bed alone thinking of a new way to get out of this hell hole. I hear the door open and see Grey standing there looking a little tired. I look over at the window and notice its already dark out.
Grey undresses down to his boxers, I cringe. He crawls into bed next to me and pulls me to his chest. A small whimper pasts my lips when my hip touches the bed covers. I don't have the physical power to fight against his embrace right now so I just stare at the wall. I feel his breath on my neck. His lips touch my jaw line and he begins doing butterfly kisses from my jaw to the edge of my lips. I begin struggling in his hold until he flips over and pins me to the bed, my hands above my head. I feel panic fill my body.

He continues kissing and slowly inches them closer and closer to my chest.

"Grey, p-please don't." I beg.

"I am not gonna take your innocence until we get married, I wanted to save you." He says gently flipping off of me. I let out a breath.

"What happens if I don't want to do that after we get married?" I breath out getting scared.

"I don't care if you do or not. When people get married they are suppose to connect emotionally and physically. When you're my wife, I will do what ever I want to you whenever I want to you." He growls out.

"Well I will add rapist on the list of things of why I hate you." I snap out.

"Its not rape I will be your husband  and you my wife, A wife is suppose to satisfy her husband." He snaps, his tone making it seem the conversation ended.

Like hell he's gonna rape me. I have to make an escape plan and fast. I turn over and decide I need to sleep if I am gonna make a plan to leave.

As I begin falling asleep I hear him singing the same song he did last time to me.
I wish he'd stop it brings back so many memories.

I begin falling asleep with million of thoughts racing through my head such as, Is anyone looking for me? Will I be rescued? Am I gonna be able to escape this hell hole? Am I gonna have to live with Grey forever? Will I develop Stockholm Syndrome? God, I hope not that would be awful.

I push the thoughts to the back of my head and close my eyes. I happily let sleep take over.

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