chapter 4

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I walk back to the main room and notice some one is in my area. I walk over to him. I stop when I get to his table I grab  my notebooks and pencil out and finally  look at him. He has dark hair and blue eyes,  a muscular build and a white smile with perfect teeth. He snaps his fingers and brings me out of my daze.

I blush realizing I got caught checking him out. I look at my feet,

"What would you like to drink, sir."

"Water," he chuckles at my uneasiness.

I walk back to the kitchen and quickly get his water I come back to the table and sat it on the table.

"Are you ready to order sir?"

"Call me Grey," he smirks at me, I give him a smile before asking him again. He gives me his order and I quickly scurry to the kitchen and give it to the cook. After serving other tables I finally get Greys order. I walk over there quickly and put his food on the table I am about to walk back till he grabs my wrist. I turn around to face him.

He smiles at me, "Thank you...?"

"Its Miranda," I smiles back at him.

"Well thank you..Miranda." it's like my name rolled off his tongue.

"Miranda. Worthy of Admiration; Wonderful. Young Innocent Girl in Shakespeare's the Tempest Raised and Educated on an Isolated Island by Magician Father." He states smiling. I look at him confused until I realize he's talking about my name.

"Wow, you sure know your facts." I chuckle. He laughs along.

"Well, I am gonna get back to work, bye." I wave at him and walk away I steal one last glance at him before walking into the kitchen. I realized he was watching me intently.

After about twenty more tables I finally get done with work. I grab my stuff and begin walking back. Once I got home I noticed there was flower pedals on the flood. I followed the path, it lead to my room. The window was opened once again. On the bed there was a stack of pictures of me.

Some at work, some running and walking, some of me  showering. I feel sick to my stomach. I notice a small box I open it and see a small recorder in it I grab it and notice it's on a video. I press play and see a man on the ground covered in dried blood as well as new blood. I feel bile rise in my throat when I notice it's the guy who spilled soda all over me at the party. I watch a man in a black mask put the camera down and walk to the man.

He grabs a knife and slowly starts cutting the guy down his stomach I drop the camera on the ground not  able to watch anymore and grab the note that was under it.

'No one will get away with hurting my love, I will always protect you. Love you see you soon.'

I drop everything back in the box, I am done with this, I can't take it. He already killed one innocent life I have to end this now. Plus how will he know.
I grab the box and walk out of my apartment and lock the door behind me. I begin walking to the police station. I pace picking up as it begins getting darker. Once I get there I walk to a lady at the front desk.

"Yes, can I help you?" She asks politely.

"Yeah. Umm, I have a stalker problem. And h-he sent me a video of him killing someone." I feel tears entering my eyes.

"Okay sweetheart. Go to room 9. Down that hall." She points left and continues writing on some papers. I search for number 9 and knock. I hear a faint 'come in.' I open the door and see the guy from earlier in there.

"Well, I didn't think I would see you so soon again." He laughed.

"Here for a stalker problem?" He asks lifting his eyebrows. I feel panicked.

"H-how'd you know?" I ask scared.

"Thats my job, Miranda." He laughs.

"I am a detective."

"O-oh." I feel embarrassed for assuming the worst.

"The evidence?" His voice turns stern for a second as if he's mad I am here.


"The evidence. " he snaps. My hands shake as I hand him the box. He grabs if away from me. He begins looking through everything. He occasionally would look at me before turning his gaze back to the video.

"I will send this in for finger prints but until then I can't do anything, we don't know what he looks like so there's not much we can do." He says as he grabs the box and puts it next to the door.

"Thank you,"

"Its my job." He says calmly before writing things down in a notebook." If anything else happens come back."

I nod and stand up.

"See you soon." He smiles at me. I give him a small smile back and walk out.

I quickly walk out and begin running home. Once I get there I run upstairs and close and lock my window. I jump into bed. I quickly pull the covers over me. I hear the door open and close and hear Cameron yell, he is home. I quickly fall asleep feeling better about my stalker and Cameron's life.

I am almost out when I realize that Sarah never came home but I am too far out. She prolly stayed at that guys house anyways. With that thought I fall asleep.

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