Chapter 20✔️

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Layla POV
Tomorrow is the dance and I have nothing to wear. At school I have no "girl" friends. My only friends are John, Aaron and Jack but they don't go to my school. I don't think I even own a dress. Maybe Calli knows what to do. I knock on her bedroom door.

" come in" she yells. I walk in and sit on her bed.

" hey Layla what's up?" She says putting her phone down beside her.

" um I was wondering if you could help me buy a dress for the dance" I say nervously.

" omg I would love too" she says squeezing the daylights out of me.

" ok let me grab my purse and we will go to the mall." She jumps up and searches for her purse. We head downstairs and get our shoes on.

" where are you girls going" Grayson asks.

" we are searching for a dress" Calli says.

" you girls have fun" he says kissing my cheek.

" oh let's gooo" Calli says pulling me away.

We enter the store and look at the dresses.

" so have you ever went to a dance" she asks.

" no I haven't" I say

" omg you haven't lived. But you have bought a dress before right?" She asks

" no" I shake my head.

" omg girl here" she says handing me a dress.

I try it on and I look like a carrot. I step out of the change room and we laugh at the ugly orange thing I have on.

" ok next one" she says handing me another dress.

We try 5 different stores and still haven't found a dress. We walk along the hall and Calli spots a beautiful blue dress. I try it on and I fall in love with it. I step out of the change room and Calli gasps.

" oh Layla you look beautiful" she says.
I twirl around and look in the mirror. I love this dress.

I look at the price tag and my heart drops.

" I can't get it" I say

" what, why not" Calli screams.

" you look so beautiful" she screams

" I can't afford it" I say. Calli looks at it and her face drops.

"Maybe we could get a discount" she says.

" how, its a $1000 dress" I snap.

" I'm sorry. I'm not in the mood to shop anymore. Can you drive me home" I say looking down.

" but we haven't foun.."

" Please take me home" I say.

" ok" she says

I take the dress off and we walk to the car.

Once we got home I went to my room and just stared at the wall. I look on my phone and I see messages from hunter. Ever since Grayson got into a fight with him, he's been sending really mean texts. I haven't told Grayson cause he would get mad and it's no big deal I just delete them anyway. But today it got me. I look at the text.

Your a worthless b*tch, that should just kill your self. Do you really think Grayson loves you? He's just using you. He's never loved you. It's just a game to him. So please just do us a favour and kill your self. Bye b*tch!

I read. My hands shake and tears well up in my eyes. I can't take anymore of this constant harassment. I just want to leave.

I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. I sit on the cold tile and cry my heart out.

I don't want to go to the dance. I want to be left alone. I've tried so hard being strong but I give up. I'm done. I want nothing to do with anybody anymore. Everybody only cause me pain, I don't need pain anymore. I'm done.

" Layla" Grayson says knocking on the locked door. He tries to open the door but doesn't succeed.

" Layla, baby. Open the door" Grayson demands trying to open the door.

" Leave me alone" I choke out a sob. I run my ands over my face and rest my hands on my ears. I don't want to hear him. I don't want to think about all the pain I'm going to cause.

" Layla, how about you open this door and we can sort this out" He suggests. I start to full on cry and I can hear his heart breaking.

" Please don't cry. Baby, let me help. Let me in" His voice wavers and I hear him bang the door.

" Please Layla" he whispers out.

My heart breaks when I hear how desperate he is but I don't open the door. I can't. I have to say goodbye.

So um yeah that happened!⬆️ anyway....
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