Chapter 21✔️

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Grayson POV
After about an hour of Layla crying I hear her soft even breaths and I assume she's sleeping.

I grab a bobby pin from her nightstand and fiddle with the door till it unlocks. I open the door slowly and see her beautiful tear stained face. I scoop up her sleeping body and place her on her bed. I cover her with blankets and kiss her forehead.

" I love you baby" I whisper while I leave her room.

What just happened? Why was she crying so much? Why didn't she open up the door and let me in? Does she hate me? Was it something I did?

Millions of questions race through my mind. I walk downstairs and sit on the couch with my eyes wide.

" What's wrong?" Calli asks concerned. She sits up from the chair she was lounging in and sits beside me.

" I don't know. She locked herself into her bathroom and she was crying and crying and I tried getting her to open the door but it was no use and she was screaming at me to leave her alone and I just don't know. Calli she cried herself to sleep on the cold tile floor." I explain to Calli with my hands shaking.

Calli sadly sighs and holds me in a hug.

" What's wrong with my baby?" I whisper out.

A few days have passed and Layla's locked herself in her room most days. She only comes out for food and doesn't talk to anyone.

I've tried so hard to get her to talk but it either ends in a yelling match or her slapping me and storming off.

I've had enough, I need to know what happened to Layla.

I walk to her room and open the door. Luckily for me she didn't lick it today.

" Leave me alone, Grayson" She whispers out quietly. Usually when she tells me I Leave it's her yelling at me, not whispering.

" Layla, I don't know what to do anymore. These past few days have been h*ll and I just want to know what's wrong. What happened to us?" I ask her gently. She sighs and faces me.

" I'm depressed Grayson. I don't live myself anymore, I don't live life anymore, I don't love..." she stops herself and looks down. " I don't love anybody that I used to care about"

" I want to be left alone, I don't want to talk to anybody. I hate life and myself. I just want to be numb. And these past few days I have been numb. I don't talk, I don't eat, I don't sleep. I just lay here thinking about how much life sucks. Grayson, I have no inspiration to live anymore" Layla cries out to me. I go to comfort her but she backs away.

" Please don't" My heart breaks when I hear those words. I step back and try to stay strong.

" What can I do? What can I do to make this better? I'll for anything baby. As long as your happy I'm happy" I tell her.

" Grayson, that's the thing. You can't make this better. I can't get better." She sighs. She fiddles with her fingers and her shoulders hunch over. Her hair is messy and her face is bare. Eyes have bags and cheeks have tear stains, she looked beautifully sad.

" Do you want to get better?" I ask her. She looks at me for a while, not saying anything.

" Yes" She barely whispers out. I sigh an breath of relief and give her a small smile.

" Then lets get better....together"

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