Chapter 31: Heading Off

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(Here's the next part guys! Sorry it took so long; I had trouble deciding where to have this chapter go ^^; Hope you all enjoy!)

[Ludwig's POV]

Pulling away from (F/n), I slowly looked away as my face heated up, realizing what I had done.

"I'm sorry, (F/n). That was really inappropriate of me to do, and-"

"It's fine, Ludwig." Softly smiling at me, she pat my shoulder, a faint blush on her (s/c) face. "Should we go ahead and go back to the cafeteria?" Nodding, I gently take her hand in mine and begin heading back. Managing to push the blush down as we entered the room, I find myself being shoved away as everyone else hugs (F/n), asking what was wrong.

"Guys, settle down! I know you all are worried, but I'm sure she'll explain what happened in her own time." Nodding, everyone backs off and looks up at him. "Now, I have important business I must discuss with you all." Pulling out a photograph, Bowser reveals it to everyone, showing it to be of those pesky plumbers. "Everyone must prepare to head out to their kingdoms. Got it?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Larry, since you're in the first kingdom, you'll take the princesses first."

"Got it!" Running over to Peach, he undid the cuffs before grabbing her hand in his and going to (F/n). Holding her hand as well, he runs off, tugging them along. Sighing, I turn away to try and calm myself. Brushing my hair back, I join the others and head to my room to get ready.

Already having practically everything I needed, I picked up the paper with the lullaby I had been trying to work on before folding it and slipping it in a pocket. Fixing my outfit, I notice a new feature to it-a small gold string that seems to activate...something.

"Odd..." Shrugging, I stretch before making sure everything was in its proper place. "Wand...check. Song, check... I'm good." Smiling, I look up. "(F/n), let's..." Remembering that she was with Larry, I softly sigh. "That's right..." Shaking my head, I dismiss the lonely thoughts from my mind before stepping out from my room.

Locking the door, I head to the carrier bay, the others walking as well. Instead of going to the copters, we all head to our airships. Glancing over to where Larry's is, I see (F/n) staring at me with an oddly sad look hidden in her neutral expression. Raising a hand, I waved to her, and softly smiled as she waved back. Seeing her turn to Larry, I sigh before beginning to board my ship.

Hearing footsteps quickly approach me, I turn around, only to gasp as I'm pulled into a tight hug. Glancing down and seeing her, I hesitantly hug her back, resting my head on top of hers.

"I'll miss you, Luddy."

"...I'll miss you too, princess." Pulling away, I give her a faint smile before ruffling her hair up slightly. "Don't get too lonely, okay?" She nods as she pouts, her cheeks turning light pink. Chuckling softly, I lightly pat her shoulder before turning back to the ship.



"Don't get too lonely without me. I don't wanna have to deal with a clingy grump." Rolling my eyes, I dryly laugh while smiling.

"Got it. Now, go. Don't wanna miss your flight." Laughing softly, she stands there and stares at me for a few moments longer before turning and heading to Larry's ship once more. Everyone began flying out, leaving me to be last. Boarding the ship, I command the crew on board before heading into my quarters. A sigh left me as I sat down on my bed, my shoulders slumped and the empty feeling of loneliness beginning to settle in.

[Main POV]

Looking out the window in awe, I watch as tons of different types of scenery pass by. Pressing my hands against the glass to get a better look, I turn when I hear a small laugh behind me. Peach sat nearby, watching me.

"What's so funny?..."

"You seem so excited at what you see below us, (F/n)."

"To be honest, I rarely ever got out of the kingdom, so seeing such amazing scenery is a whole new experience I'm excited about." She nods, smiling.

"I see. Well, the places we're going to...should sate your excitement and curiosity plenty enough." I nod, grinning.

"I can't wait to see what everyone else's worlds look like!"

"Everyone else?...ah, did Ludwig show his to you?" I nod, now sitting down. "And...what did you think?"

"It was...beautiful and amazing. I never thought that a kingdom could be in the sky."

"Well, you'll see just how...odd the others are." I nod again, beaming happily. "So, what do you think of everyone here?"

"They're so...loud and quirky. But they're all so kind-in their own way. They aren't afraid of being themselves."

"That is quite true...they are fun to be around, but...I cannot remain here with them. I have duties to take care of back home, and I have no desire to be around Bowser." I nod, quietly thinking.

"Who's your favorite one? Of the Koopalings, I mean."

"Oh? Well, if I have to pick, I'd have to say Morton. He's a gentleman that has a way with words. However, when he gets angry, he...tends to not think properly, and is thought as stupid in those times."

"I see... he is pretty nice. And he knows how to make some good food." She nods, smiling.

"He said that he wants to open a cafe where people can come in and share literary pieces they've written."

"Wow. That's...amazing." She nods before giving me an odd and slightly devious smile.

"I believe that your favorite is Ludwig, correct?" My face heats up a bit as I turn away, hesitantly nodding.

"He...seems like he needs a friend. We have fights, but we also hit it off so...easily. It's as if we're old friends or something."

"That's quite interesting. You two do seem fairly close, despite our arrival being only yesterday." Nodding, I look down, but immediately look back up when Larry walks in.

"Hey, Larry." He beams happily, his sky blue orbs sparkling with joy.

"Hello! So, I wanted to let you guys know that it'll take some time to reach my world, so you guys can sleep until we get there. Okay?" I slowly nod before standing and stepping over to him. Kneeling down slightly, I ruffle up his mohawk.

"Say, Larry, do you happen to have stuff so I can make (necklaces/bracelets/charms)? I wanna make one for everyone in our free time." Nodding, he runs off, and I stand back up and sit down. "Are you going to sleep, Peach?" She nods, yawning.

"I usually do on these voyages."

"Okay. Have good dreams." Nodding, she smiles before walking out, and I watch as a guard escorts her somewhere. Larry rushes back in with a small table, along with the materials. Standing up, I help him bring it over and set everything up before smiling. "Thank you, Larry."

"No problem! You know what colors to make everything, right?" I nod, giving him a thumbs up.

"Shouldn't be too hard." Grinning, I kneel down before hugging him, and laugh slightly as a squeak comes from him. "Thanks, you little dork. Now go do whatever it is that you do." Pulling away, I watch as he nods with a red face before rushing out. Laughing, I sit back down, shaking my head, and begin to work, humming songs to myself.

Human! Ludwig von Koopa X ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin