Chapter 35: Listen

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(New part! Thanks so much for over 10k reads!! You all are so amazing, and I hope you enjoy this part. :') Also have fun with Roy heuheuheu

Seeing Roy slowly smirk, I roll my eyes and begin heading to the back of the ship.

“‘ey, yo, wait up.” Ignoring him, I go to the back and watch as the castle becomes smaller and smaller. Noticing his presence by me, I turn away and sigh, trying not to let my concern show. “What's th’ matta, babe?”

“...Don't call me babe. I'm not your babe.”

“Fine, fine…” Huffing, he leans against the railing and stares at me, causing me to feel slightly uncomfortable. “Now, mind tellin’ me what's got yer pretty ol’ panties in a twist?” Clutching the railing a bit, I take a deep breath, trying to keep my blush and temper in control.

“...I'm worried. About Larry and the rest of you guys.”

“Well, why's that?”

“Mario and Luigi...they hurt Larry badly. In the first fight, they literally knocked him out. And in there, they were stomping his head in! I just…” I sigh, leaning against the railing and running a hand through my hair. “I don't want you guys getting hurt.” He nods, gently patting my shoulder.

“Well, don't worry, (F/n). Those idjits won't get past me! I'll pummel ‘em twice as hard for ya!” Softly chuckling, I nod and give him a faint smile.

“Whatever you, it's getting kinda late...will we reach your place in time for bed?” He pauses in thought before shaking his head.

“We usually sleep here on th’ ship between each trip.” I nod, standing up and looking at the sky.

“Well, I think we should head to bed soon.” He nods, getting up.

“Yeah-oh. Wait. We kinda have a problemo, chica.” I turn to him, my brows furrowed and waiting for him to continue. “Other than th’ beds down below deck, th’ only beds here are mine an’ ol’ Peachy. Ya mind sleepin’ with her tonight?”

“...she hates me.” His eyes seem to widen in shock.

“Wait, what?! She HATES ya?! How?!” I sigh, looking down.

“I...well, during the first fight, Mario and Luigi tried to get me out and take me back. So I may or may not have punched Luigi in the face…” He lets out a low whistle, his brows raising.

“Wow...fer a girl, you have some big balls.” My face turns pink as I look away. Coming up with a good comeback quickly, I smirk and glance at him.

“Definitely bigger than yours.” His face turns pink as he chokes on air, not having expected my reply. “Don't choke. Swallow.” I begin to laugh at his expression, before gasping as he leans over me, my back facing to the railing. His hands were on either side of me, and there wasn't much space between us. I began to feel uneasy, and looked away nervously.

“Ya know, I might be th’ one tellin’ ya that t’night, if ya want.” My face turns red as I keep looking away.

“'re 13. I'm (age). It'd be wrong. And besides...I'm not interested in you like that.” He nods and moves away, allowing me to let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. “How do you even know about that stuff, anyways?...”

“Oh, babe, you must not have been on the Internet before.” He grins before turning. “Anyways, we still gotta figure out where ya gonna sleep at fer tonight…” He hums in thought, a hand on his chin. “...I'd offer below deck, but yer high maintenance...that decides it. Yer sleepin’ with me.” My eyes widen in shock, and I hesitantly nod.

“...alright, I guess…” He grins, gripping my wrist in his hand. Pulling me off, we head into his quarters. The room was designed in pinks and purples, and had a lot of music equipment. The wallpaper, which was a dark purple, had pink speaker designs with shock waves on it. Sitting down on the bed, he tugged off the large spiked cuffs from his wrists, along with his bandanna, allowing his wavy pink hair to puff up and out. Yawning, he stretches before removing his vest and tank top, revealing a slightly toned chest and freckles dotting his upper chest. He then removed his necklace and tugged his shoes and pants off, leaving him in his boxers and shades.

“Are ya gonna change or what?”

“I have nothing else to wear,…” He nods, shrugging.

“Yer choice, sweet cheeks.” He turns away and hesitantly removes his shades, his hand shaking slightly. Placing them on his end table, he quickly lays down and hides his face in his pillow, silent. Sitting down by him, I hesitantly place my hand on his shoulder.

“...Roy.” Getting no reply, I huff. “Roy.” Still nothing. “Royce.”

“What'd I say ‘bout usin’ my real name?”

“Answer me, then.” He huffs, but doesn't reply. “...Roy. Listen to me. You don't have to worry about your...your eyes around me.”

“How do I know I can trust ya?”

“Because I know what it's like to be bullied because of something I can't help.” He sighs, quiet. “...I won't laugh, or judge.”

“...that's what they always say.” Sighing, I hesitantly hug him, noticing his body tense up.

“Roy, listen. I won't make fun of you. Remember how earlier I said that I wanted to try and get on your good side?” He nods slowly. “It's gonna be hard to if you don't let me at least see your face.” He sighs before slowly sitting up, hesitantly turning to me.

“...why am I a failure.” My eyes widen as I quickly shake my head.

“You're not, Roy!” He rolled his eyes before looking away, a sneer on his freckled face.

“...Peach said that when I first met her. Now she ignores me. There's...a reason why I never reveal my eyes to people. Because she betrayed my trust.” I stare at him before hugging him.

“Roy, listen. Peach has revealed her true colors, not only to you, but to me. I know how you feel. Hurt. Betrayed. Angry. But listen, okay? I don't want to go home. I want to stay with you guys. I want to trust you, and for you to trust me. It'll take a while, I know, but I'm willing to try. So how about it...bro?” He faintly chuckles before hugging back.

“Ya got a deal...sis.” Smiling, I let out a soft sigh of relief ad I rub his back. Pulling away, I smile softly.

“Honestly, I think your eyes are pretty cool. There's gotta be one hell of a story behind what happened.” He nods, faintly blushing.

“Yeah,'ll hear that later on. Now, ya need yer sleep. And I need my snooze time as well. So let's go ahead an’ sleep.” I nod, yawning slightly.

“Alright, bud.” I lay down on the bed and slowly begin drifting off.

“In the mornin’, we'll be at th’ fortress. We'll go in, eat, an’ do whatever. Then, I'll…” He yawns, laying down and sleepily grinning at me. “I'll pummel dem two plumbas into th’ ground.”

“I'll know you will, pal...good dreams.”

“....good dreams… (F/n).” He drifts off, snoring softly. Smiling slightly, I curl up under the blankets and fall asleep, content at the moment but anxious for the future.

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