Chapter 67: Dungeons but No Dragons

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(Hey guys!!! I'm so sorry for not updating lately. Work has been absolutely ridiculous lately, so I haven't had a chance to update lately. I hope to be able to update soon, but upload times are going to be very sporadic due to my schedule. Once again, I'm so sorry. I hope you all enjoy this next part!!)


What was I to do?... I didn't want to marry Luigi, but I didn't want harm to come to the Koopaling family. I wanted to ensure they were safe, but my heart didn't belong to Luigi or anyone else for that matter. It was my heart, and I knew that the Koopalings would rather have me do what would make me happy rather than worry about what others want from me. Holding Sandy close to my chest, I look up at them with a firm gaze and set my jaw.

"...then take me to the dungeon. I would rather be locked up and happy than be in an unhappy, undesired marriage." My father nods silently before snapping his fingers.

"...guards. Take her away." They grab me before dragging me downstairs to the dungeon. Going to an empty cell, they gently push me inside before locking the door behind me. Stating that they would bring me some food around dinnertime, they then head to their stations throughout the dungeon and the rest of the castle. Sighing softly, I look around at the dungeon before sitting on the hard mat they called a bed in this place. I look down at Sandy, who's looking around silently.

"...sorry you had to come with me. I'll ask them to let you go when they return."

"I'm not letting you stay here alone, (F/n). You don't deserve to be stuck here, let alone be stuck here alone." I rest my head on top of his, quietly thinking.

"...I don't want the Dark Kingdom to get hurt. But...I know that they're strong enough to defend themselves in case anything happens. I just....was this the right choice?"

"...I think it was. I'm sure they'll be okay. King Bowser and his armies are strong. And they'd want you to do what you want and to not do something that'd make you unhappy. They'd be proud of you. I...I know I am." A soft smile makes its way on my face at that before I kiss the top of his head.

"That means a lot. Thank you, Sandy." Hearing two sets of footsteps walking towards my cell, I look up as I try to recognize the people. One sounds like a guard, due to the slight clanging of their armor, but the other person...seems to be wearing high heels. Standing up in confusion, I set Sandy on the mat and go over to the bars to see Peach being escorted to my cell by a guard.

"Thank you, sir. I promise to be quick."

"Five minutes tops. Then I must escort you back to the throne room." Peach nods and gives the guard an understanding smile before watching them leave. She then turns to me, her smile falling.

"...I'm so sorry this all came to this. I'm surprised that you refused, but...nowadays, you are full of surprises." I nod, giving her a sheepish grin. "I just hope that you are happy. Now, I usually must obey the laws of all lands. However, you do not deserve to be here. What your parents did...even though they are the rulers of this land and the king and queen usually know best...this is wrong. I...I have something here that you dropped." She passes me a bundle of cloth, with something a bit heavy wrapped inside. "Do not open it until you are in the clear. If they ask, say that it is a blanket you had requested due to being cold. Try not to blow anyone up, please. That'd get you in much more trouble, and I don't like seeing you behind bars."

"...thank you, Peach. I hope to see you outside of this miserable place soon. Have a safe trip back, yeah?"

"I will. I hope you get out safe soon. You deserve happiness." She gives me a warm smile as the guard returns.

"It has been five minutes, your Majesty. I must ask you to come with me."

"Of course, sir. I am ready." With that, she gives me a kind smile before following the guard out of the dungeon. After a few minutes of silence, I make sure the coast is clear before sitting by Sandy, holding the bundle close.

"...what's that?"

"I'm not sure...Peach told me to open it after I was sure we were alone." I slowly open the bundle up before covering my mouth with a hand to keep my gasp from being heard. Inside of the cloth was my wand, which I had lost during the fight against Mario. It still looked pristine, except for a few scuff marks along the metal handle. Holding it close, I breathe a sigh of relief as a feeling of security and strength flows through me. Sandy stares in shock before looking up at me.

"(F/n), that's...." He softly mutters, his voice a low whisper. I nod, in just as much surprise he is. "...p-please don't hurt anyone...."

"I won't. I...I got a plan." Giving him a reassuring smile, I kiss the top of his head before conjuring up a notebook and pen.

"...A....notebook? What are you going to do with that?"

"I am going to write a letter. And I'm going to send it out so that I can get out of here."

"Ohhh....but who's it to...?" I pause, thinking. I...honestly didn't know who I was going to send it to. But, two people came to mind.


And Kooky.

My first instinct was Ludwig, but I was afraid he didn't want anything to do with me after what occurred between me and Kooky. Besides, he could've gotten over me. What he felt for me might have even been simple fascination and a misunderstood feeling of being around a female other than his sister and Peach. I knew he'd be able to come up with a clever plan to get me out without harming anyone unless necessary....but I didn't know if he'd even want to.

And then there was Kooky. I was still furious with him, but I knew that his obsession with me would lead him to do anything as long as I was safe. And with him, I knew that I'd get results soon. He wouldn't hesitate to come to rescue me, and he'd use any means necessary to get me out of my cell. But, that could lead to injuries, violence, and a new war between the Dark Kingdom and my parents.

"...I...I'm not sure..." I mulled it over silently, weighing out the pros and cons of both of them. I adored them both, but...who did I trust more? Who did I care about more? Who would actually come and save me?

Who would I ask to save me?

Ludwig or Kooky?

Human! Ludwig von Koopa X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें