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"Lauren," Camila spoke up as the older girl laid in bed.

"Yeah," Lauren looked at Camila who had just finished brushing her hair.

"Do you think things will change between us?"She questioned, setting the brush on top of Lauren's drawers and walking to the side of the bed.

"I don't know, do you want them to change?" Lauren diverted the question back to Camila who crinkled her forehead as she thought of what to answer.

"I don't know, I don't know about anything anymore," She collapsed on the bed in a huff, climbing under the duvet.

"Tell me, just say what you'd like to happen," Lauren told her as if it was that simple.

"I can't," Camila frowned, sitting up and crossing her legs.

"Why not?" Lauren pressed, pushing herself up so she was leaning with her back against the headboard.

"Because I'm scared," Camila whispered, "what if everything goes wrong and you end up detesting me, I'll still be here in the house with you everyday for the rest of my life. And what about your friends, Normani already hates me so what if Dinah ends up hating me too. And your father doesn't even know I'm here and he already wants me dead," She got more and more worked up as her reasons continued and Lauren reached out a put a hand on her knee.

"It's alright not to know munchkin, but you know what, I could never hate you and I know Dinah could never either, she's only met you twice and she's already gave a nickname for crying out loud," She smiled reassuringly and Camila played with her fingers, her eyes fixated on the bed sheets.

"Okay," She finally sighed and Lauren laid back down in bed, turning the light off.

"But did you like the kiss?" Lauren asked, her eyes sparkling and Camila looked her in the eyes.

"Yeah," She giggled, a pink tint in her cheeks, "did you?"

"Yeah," Lauren scrunched up her nose and Camila laid down, distancing herself as much as possible from Lauren in case the older girl thought she was trying to suggest anything.

"She did call me Mila," Camila laughed slightly as she remembered what Dinah called her.

"Do lots of people call you Mila?" Lauren asked her and Camila nodded.

"I'm gonna call you Camz, I want to be different," Lauren announced suddenly and a smile formed on the brunette's lips.

"What's your nickname?" She raised an eyebrow, staring intently at the older girl.

"Most people call me Lo or Laur, Dinah and Normani came up with the great selection of Lauser, Laurenza and Ralph," She rolled her eyes at the last three and Camila giggled.

"I'll call you Lolo, I want to be different too," She told her earnestly.

"Camz and Lolo," Lauren grinned and Camila nodded in confirmation, "goodnight munchkin."


The next morning Lauren woke up first and she left the Latina curled up in a tiny ball under the duvet as she sat on the kitchen island drinking her coffee.

She need the time to think anyway, yesterday's events had confused her, even if she was stressing less that Camila.

She didn't know what to think about the kiss.

She knew she liked the kiss and she knew Camila liked the kiss but she didn't even know if Camila liked girls.

She'd never mentioned having a girlfriend, only a boyfriend and she'd said that ended badly.

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