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Camila woke up strapped to a table.

This situation felt awfully familiar.

Only, this time, when she woke up she was knocked back unconscious.

She wasn't sure what time it was when she woke up and wasn't sent back.

"Help me," Her voice was croaky from not using it and dehydration. "Help me, let me out."

She heard footsteps rush over to her and saw Lucy hovering over her.

"Please, Lucy. Help me," She pleaded and Lucy fumbled with the straps, releasing her.

She helped her sit up, holding her loosely because Camila was wobbling dangerously.

"Here, have some water," Lucy helped her lift her head neck and tilted the bottle into her mouth, allowing Camila to take a small sip.

"What day is it?" She questioned, rubbing her wrists which had chafed because of the tight straps.

"It's been a day since Lauren knocked you out," Lucy informed her.

"Where is Dinah?" Camila looked around hopefully for any sight of her friend.

"People from the base are driving around to where they think she might be. It's a few hours away, they set off about an hour ago," Lucy had a small smile on her face as she spoke which reassured Camila.

"Where is Lauren?" Camila questioned, quieter.

"Upstairs," Lucy shrugged, placing the bottle on the table. "Mila..."

"Don't," Camila said softly, shaking her head. "I don't want to hear it."

"It's her way of handling with things, she doesn't allow herself to feel and then she snaps," Lucy tried to reason.

"But it's not my fault Dinah's missing, she doesn't have to be mean to me," Camila mumbled, looking at the floor. "And you let her knock me out."

"I'm sorry, it was for the best. You were hysterical and you weren't meant to be seen," Lucy reached out to squeezed Camila's shoulder and the younger girl allowed her to comfort her despite feeling a little mad because she was alone with Dinah missing and Lauren mad at her.

"I'm tired," Camila rubbed her eyes and Lucy pulled her onto her feet and into a hug.

"You will be, go to bed and I'll wake you if we hear anything," She rubbed her back and Camila nodded.

She felt like she was moving in slow motion as she made her way up the stairs, her head heavy.

She saw Lauren coming out of the bathroom on the way and the older girl opened her mouth to speak but Camila just pushed past her, eventually collapsing in the guest bedroom.

She felt tears burning at her eyes and a sob stuck in her throat but they wouldn't fall, resulting in her breathing heavily as she tried to calm herself down.

She was drifting off to sleep when she heard footsteps walk in and she felt the bed dip beside her.


Camila recognized the voice immediately but she didn't want to talk so she just pretended to be asleep.

It wasn't very believable but after a few minutes she heard footsteps leaving the room and turned over, pulling the blankets up to her chin and curling in a small ball.

Possession ➸ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now