Twenty Two

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Dinah barely slept that night, she was too concerned for the brunette next to her.

But even when she did wake up later than usual, Camila was still sound asleep beside her.

She didn't think anything of it and walked downstairs to find some food since her stomach was growling.

By the time she'd cooked and finished some waffles, she was confused because Camila always woke up at the smell of food.

She brushed it off, assuming she was tired after all her crying yesterday and cleared her plate before going back upstairs and getting changed into some blue skinny jeans and a white crop top.

She applied some light makeup before making her way back into the bedroom.

"Mila, wake up or you'll miss the food," Dinah decided to wake her up the easier way, which was mentioning anything edible. "Camila, wake you lazy ass," Dinah shook her shoulders but the brunette didn't flinch.

"Mila?" She questioned, leaning her head to her chest.

Her heartbeat was practically non-existent.

"Camila, Camila wake up," She pleaded, "please wake up, come on Mila, wake up."

She could feel the desperate tears burning in her eyes and she pulled Camila into a sitting position, leaning her against the headboard.

"Wake up Mila," She bounced nervously, gently tapping the side of Camila's face with two fingers.

She could've cried with relief when Camila's eyes opened slightly.

"You scared me you little shit," She exclaimed, pulling her into a tight hug and squeezing her eyes shut to try and fight the tears that were threatening to spill.

"I-I... where am I?" She muttered, "what's wrong, why have I got a cloth stuck on my head?"

"Hey, are you feeling okay?" Dinah placed her hand to Camila's forehead which was ice cold.

"No, I feel sick and I'm tired and I'm starving," Camila answered and Dinah's forehead creased in worry.

Before she could speak Camila jumped out of bed as a wave of nausea hit her, running to the bathroom and emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet.

Dinah rubbed her back, holding her hair back from her face.

When Camila was finished, she collapsed against the tiled floor and laid her head on her arm.

"Do you feel any better?" Dinah asked, flushing the toilet.

"My head feels like it weighs five hundred pounds," Camila mumbled which didn't decrease Dinah's worry.

"I'm gonna get you a glass of water, I'll be right back," She told her, darting downstairs.

She couldn't have been more than a minute but it was enough time for Camila's stomach to heave and for her to throw up for the second time.

Dinah burst into the bathroom, placing the glass of water on the counter and going to comfort Camila who had her head rested against her hands.

"Can you sit up for me?" Dinah coaxed the smaller girl, helping her lean against the bathroom wall and holding the glass for her so she could sip the water.

It was only then did Dinah see how truly sick Camila looked.

Her pupils were dilated and her usually tanned skin was pale and cold to touch. Her entire body was trembling slightly and she could barely lift her head.

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