Seventy Two

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It was three days later and Camila was allowed to go home.

Her fever had dropped and with another set of medication she was fighting the infection. They hadn't spoke of Camila's brief outburst but since the younger Latina had become much more quiet.

The infection had set her back; she hadn't tried to walk since and had only just started eating without being forced to. 

"Have we got everything?" Lauren asked, looking around the room one last time. It turned out when you stay in one room for two weeks stuff gathers quickly.

Camila nodded, allowing Lauren to help her into a hoodie and zip it up.

"Are you sure you want to come with me? You  can go anywhere you like - Ally's, Dinah's, anywhere," Lauren checked and Camila nodded again.

"I want to go home, Lauren," She said softly and Lauren smiled, pecking her lips.

"You're free Camila, you're finally free," She murmured, resting her lips against the top of her head.

"I'm free," Camila echoed quietly, running her hands through the ends of Lauren's hair.

"You ready to go?" The raven-haired girl asked and Camila nodded.

"I was ready about eight days ago," She joked feebly and Lauren laughed.

"Me too baby," She agreed, "you're all signed out already so shall we go now?"

"Help?" Camila questioned.

"Of course," Lauren rolled her eyes playfully. Camila had been slowly weened off her medication, resulting in her being in a lot more pain than before.

Slowly, the brunette was helped into a wheelchair and after Lauren grabbed their many bags, walked out of the room.

"What if people stare?" Camila panicked as they neared the busier areas.

"Let them stare. You're Camila Cabello, you've been through more than most of these people put together. You're a fighter," Lauren told her. The words were enough to give Camila enough confidence to ignore the many pairs of eyes fixated on her as she was wheeled through.

Eventually they made it to the parking lot where Lauren's car had been dropped off earlier by Dinah and Normani.

Lauren helped her into the vehicle and was going to take the wheelchair back until when Camila suddenly grabbed onto her arm.

"Don't leave me," She pleaded softly, her eyes desperate.

"I'm gonna be one minute Camz, I can't just leave it."

She ended up practically begging a passer by to take it in before climbing in the car.

"You're lucky I love you. She thought I was crazy," Lauren told her and Camila giggled.

"You are crazy," She countered and Lauren glared at her. 

"Not true," She defended indignantly.

"Shut up and take me home, I've waited long enough," Camila ended the conversation and Lauren squeezed her thigh gently.

"Yeah, you have," She agreed softly.

The journey home was somewhat quiet. The radio was playing quietly in the background but neither of them spoke. Camila wasn't sure why she felt so nervous, she was pretty sure she hadn't felt this scared coming to the house all the months ago.

Maybe because she knew things would be different.

"We're here," Lauren's voice pulled her from her thoughts and Camila glanced at her, nodding. "Will you be able to walk?"

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