Best Night Ever

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I saw that he made a fort with blankets and put lights and in the next side was pizza and the tv . It was just like how he did it when we were best friends and dating .
"Do you like it ?".
"Do I like it ? . I love it ".

"Great ".
"When did you do this ?". I asked .
"While you were watching tv ".
"I didn't hear you pass by , leave or even do this ".
"I tried to be secretive and it worked ".
"Wow ". I said as I entered the fort. 

I love forts as you can tell .
Once we reached inside , Alex said "This is our date by the way ".
"Wow , this is the best date ever ". I said as I was really excited .
"I wish when they are redoing my room that mine could be a fort ".

"That would be really cool . I don't think I will be sleeping in my room if you do turn your room into a fort ".
I just laughed at what he said .
He opened the pizza box and said "Want some ?".
"Yeah ".

I took a slice and then he said "I will be right back " as he crawled out of the fort and before he left , he said "Pick a movie to watch on the tv " .

***Alex ***

I went downstairs and went to the living room and said "Guys , she loves  it . Thanks for helping me ". To Cathy and Ally .
"No problem.  Just don't hurt her again or you will die ". Cathy said .
"Okay ..". I said now frightened at what Cathy said . 

"Ohh well . Bye ". Cathy said .
"Bye ". Ally said following Cathy .
I got the other snacks that I had downstairs and I brought them into the fort and Beth saw them and said "Alex , you didn't have to make more food ".

"These were already made before ".
"I really need to start paying attention to my house ". She said and then I laughed. 
We watched the movie that Beth picked out and then I got to pick my movie and we also watched it .

We did that for a while until we got tried and turned off the tv and we just laid in the fort talking about random stuff .
We stopped talking about random things and Beth , out of the blue asked me "Alex , why are you different in school ?".

"I'm not different in school ". I said trying to deny it. 
"Yes you are . Your sometimes sweet at home and then at school your this tough bad guy ". 
"Well that is how I was ".
"No you weren't ". She said .
She thought I was talking about before that thing happened to us. 

"I meant that is how I was at my old school ".
"Ohh " . She said .
"But you don't have to be ". She also added .
"Beth ". She said as I sat straight looking at her. 
She sat up too and said "Sorry ".
"Stop drilling me for answers . I dont know okay ".

"Sorry ". She said but more shyly this time .
"No I'm sorry ".
"Its okay.  I forgot your not the type of person to be open about their emotions ". She said but this time watching me .
I looked at her and mumbled a "Yeah ".

We laid back down and then we soon got cold and then we had to share a blanket since we used up all to make this fort. 
We shared it and we cuddled together to  feel warm. 
I liked that this happened because this is  what we use to do as kids before things got complicated with us .

It was just like old times .

**The Next Day **

Once we woke up , someone was tapping us. 
I opened my eyes to see my parents and Alex 's mom. 
"Ahhhh ". We both screamed because we didn't expect to see them .
  "Sorry if we startled you two ". My mom said apologizing. 

We all crawled out and when we all standing. 
All the adults were on one side and I was standing in font and Alex was behind me.
"Do you guys want  to see the pictures we took ?". My dad asked. 

"Why would you guys take pictures . That's embarrassing ".
"I'll pass ". Alex said .
"There is one where two look so adorable cuddling together ".
"Mommm ". I said feeling so embarrassed .

"Alright , we will leave you two " . Alex 's mom said and they all walked out. 
We took a bath and then we went downstairs and my mom said ....

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What did Beth's mom say ?

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