Worth It

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**Alex **

We drove to the second place that I wanted to take her which was the beach. 
"You wanted to take me to the beach ?".
"Yeah , so we can watch the stars ". I said a little shy because it was a cheesy thing to do .
She guessed that it was a cheesy thing and said "I love it ".

No one was on the beach expect for us. 
She said " Lets sit " .
We watched the stars for awhile and then she got to know me a lot better. 
Then she looked at her phone and saw her parents calling her again .
"Alex , its them again ". She said as she locked her phone so that the call would go to voicemail. 

"Should we go ?". I suggested .
"Its only...
I said as I trailed off my sentence as I saw that I had so many messages and missed calls .
Anna saw that and said "Wow , its the same thing like my parents ".
We both laughed .

"We should probably go home ". She said .
"Orrr , we could do something else ?" I said as I took off my shirt .
She laughed and then said "Okay , nice abs and like what ?".
"Thanks and I was thinking we could go swimming ".

She thought about it for awhile and then said "Okay . But if I die its on you ".
I just laughed and then we went swimming.
We decided to go back home when we stopped swimming. 
When we reached at her house , she said " Tonight was fun.  Hope we could do it another time ".

"That's if my parents don't ground me ".
"Yeah , mine too ".
"Goodnight ".
"You mean good morning ". I said as I turned my phone on and showed her the time which was 6:00 am .
"Crap , school starts soon . I should better go ".
"Bye ". She said .
"Bye ".

As I was driving home , I was preparing myself for the lecture I was going to get when I reached home.
When I got there , their cars weren't there anymore . I are maybe in the garage. 
I entered the house and went inside my room .
I put down my stuff and entered my bathroom and saw Cathy , Ally and Beth .

I screamed and they screamed as well .
Then three people that I didn't want to see came into my room. 
"What's the screaming about ? ". Beth's dad said .
"Its Alex that frightened us ". Cathy said .
"Why are you in my room ?". I said. 

They didn't say anything and then my mother said "Forget about that . Alex , where have you been all night ?  ".
"I was out.  I did say was going to be back " .
My mother was about to say something when Beth 's dad said "That is not a good explanation on why your were out so late ".

"After they are done , take a shower and go and also COME back to school with them and then we will discuss where you were ". Beth 's mom said and left with the others.
I closed  the  bathroom door and I waited for them to come out. 

When they did , Cathy said "Well , is  the sweet hearted Alex leaving to go to bad boy  town ?  ".
"No ". I said.
"Yes he is ". Ally said .
"I am not ". I said.
"Then where were you last night ". Ally and Cathy said.
"Out ".

"Out with some girl cheating on Beth ". Cathy said .
There were not wrong but I said "Me and Beth are not dating ".
"Yeah ". Beth said .
"But there is sadness in your voice ". Cathy said to Beth. 

"I don't want to date Alex ". Beth said again to Cathy .
"Whatever , I need to go shower " . I said as I got up and went to the bathroom. 
Cathy saw that my shirt was wet and said "You were swimming in her house ".

"Leave me alone Cathy ". I said as I went in and closed the door. 
When I came out , I got ready for school and then I came to the kitchen and saw that Cathy , Ally and Beth were not there. 
I grabbed my keys and locked the door and went to my car. 

When I got there , they were all leaning on the car .
I unlocked it and we all got in and drove to school .
Before we got out the car , Cathy said "Try not to cheat on your girlfriend ".
"Whatever ". I said .

We all got out the car and went into the school .
Once I got the school wifi connected to my phone , my phone buzzed. 
I opened my phone and it read

A- Hey , once I got home  I got a lecture which made me be late to school but it was totally worth it ☺ .

I smiled and then someone tapped me on the shoulder . I turned to see .....

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Beth ?
Cathy ?
Ally ?
Anna ?

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