Chapter 3

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I'm lying in bed, doing homework, when my brother, Maxwell, walks in.

"What's up smalls?" Maxwell teases me.

"Hey Maxiepoo," I tease back.

"Alright, no. Don't call me that," he says sounding serious all of the sudden.
I look at him and smile then go back to doing math homework.

"What homework are you doing nerd?" 

"Math analysis," I say back sternly. "But hey, you wouldn't know how it is since you could barely pass Algebra 2." I say jokingly him. I know it sounded rude, but Maxwell and I joke with each other and we both know not to take it personal.

He lets out a sarcastic "Ha Ha Ha" at my comeback. "So...what happened at school today?" He questions, staring intensely at me.

"What do you mean?"

"With that like...kid. The one who lives like 2 houses across from us. Styles, or whatever."

"Harry Styles?" I sound like I have no idea what he's talking about. And I don't. I didn't know he lived on my street, let alone in my neighborhood.

"Yeah, him. I heard you went ape shit on his ass." He replied back with a smirk on his face.

"No, the kids just annoying. So I told him off. I don't really want to talk about it because it just pisses me off when I do." I said to him sounding annoyed.

"Hmm..okay then I won't ask, but do you need me to beat some ass?" Typical Max. Always looking to pick a fight. Don't get me wrong I love that my older brother protects me and is always looking out for me, but just because he's a 6'2, muscular guy he thinks that fighting solves everything.

I laugh back at what he says and shake my head. "No I think I can handle it. Well I already did handle it." I say smiling deviously at Maxwell.

"That a girl, smalls." He gives me a little punch on my arm and I punch him back, but as hard as I can.

"Be careful there you might break my arm." He says laughing. I laugh too, but turn my attention back to my math homework. I expected Max to leave but he's still sitting on my bed, staring out of my window.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" I ask him sarcastically. 

"Oh do you know this Danielle Rine girl in your grade?" He says to me like he wants to know something. I snap my head up at him.

"Don't even think about it Max," I say immediately.

"Whoa Camilla calm down. I'm just curious." I hate when he calls Camilla. Obvioulsy its my given name, but it sounds so serious. I feel like Millie fits me better. He knows I hate being called Camilla, unless it's by my grandparents. Just like how he hates being called Maxwell. 

"No Maxwell, I know you. You're gonna ask me if I know her personality, if she's nice, and most of all if she's single. Answers to your questions: she has a shitty personality, she's easy and will let any guy do whatever with her, and she's a bitch. Which is most likely the reason why she's single." I spit back at him. Maxwell gets a smile on his face.

"Mmm...she sounds just like my type." Once again, typical Max. He's had one girlfriend when he was a sophomore and she was a senior. She went away for college and practically broke his heart by cheating on him with some guy at her school. It tore Maxwell apart and I've never seen him so upset in my life. Ever since then he's never had a girlfriend, just girls he hooks up with then leaves them for the next girl.

"That's disgusting Max. Don't go there" I say looking him dead in the eyes. He laughs and gets off my bed and walks towards my door and opens it. "Why don't you try a real girlfriend or real relationship!?" I throw a pillow at him and it hits his head.

He picks up the pillow then turns around facing me. "I'm too young and too handsome to be tied down." He says to me smiling, then tosses the pillow back on bed. It lands on my homework and it messes it up out of order.

"You're ridiculous." I roll my eyes at him then start putting my papers back in order and put the pillow back where I found it. He laughs then closes my door.

"So what's going on this weekend?" Taylor taps on my shoulder.

"I don't know Drew said-"

"Okay everyone settle down!" Mr.Wyatt stops all conversations in the class. "Alright guys pause the conversations and lets get to actually doing some work. I know it's Friday but c'mon guys we're still in class."

I turn around quickly and mouth to Taylor "We'll talk after class."

I don't know what it is but as soon as Mr.Wyatt starts teaching I zone out. I hate lectures and to be honest I don't even know my grade in this class. My eyes wander the room and I come across Harry, whose scribbling notes from Mr.Wyatt's lecture down. Then I look closer and it seems like he's writing in a journal. I wonder what he writes in there. He looks up at my and our eyes meet. I narrow my eyes a bit and tilt my head to the side, as if I'm trying to see if he's really look at me. He rolls his eyes and puts his head back down. I shake my head at the fact that Harry has some weird hatred towards me. 

"Okay. Lectures over," Mr.Wyatt states to the class. "You guys are free to continue your conversations."

I turn back around to Taylor. "Okay, so Drew said there's a house party going on in the South West side. You down to go?" I say to her.

"Oh my god, yes! You know me I love a good party. I have to text Chris." Chris is the guy Taylor has liked since our freshman year. They've been on and off ever since. Chris thinks of it as pretty much someone to hook up with while Taylor thinks there's a possibility they'll be together. I always try to tell her to move on or find another guy but she insits they're going to be a couple. 

"T, are you sure you want Chris to go? I mean obviously he's going to go but don't you want to invite another guy?" Taylor's already on her phone, tapping furiously. She looks up from her phone.

"Millie I'm positive I want Chris to come. I have a good feeling about tonight," she says to me with such a huge smile on her face. It breaks my heart to tell her no when it comes to Chris so I just smile back and nod. I turn around in my seat and put my head on my books. My phone vibrates in my pocket and  it's a text from Drew.

"So we going to the party tonight? Me, you, Taylor, and Chris?"

I text back, "Ya, Tay and I can get ready at my house and I'll drive us there and we can just meet you and Chris there?" The bell rings as soon as I send the message. Taylor and I walk out together and I see Drew and Chris waiting for us. Chris puts his arm around Taylor.

"Okay guys we're all going to this south west party right?" Chris asks all of us.

"Yes we are! Whose party is it anyway?" Taylor says looking up at Chris.

"It's Lily Trier's." Drew informs us.

"What?" Taylor scoffs. "She's like...a freak. She doesn't talk to anyone, why is she even having a party?" As soon as those words come out of her mouth Harry walks right in between Taylor and Chris separating them and causing Taylor to drop all of her books.

"Hey asshole! Watch where you're going!" Taylor shouts. Harry looks back and our eyes lock. He stares me deep in the eyes as if I should know something and I get a weird feeling that takes over me. He turns the corner and I'm still staring ahead of as if he was there. 

~in the next chapter Harry is going to be in the story a lot more now, I promise! thank you for all the reads you guys, you're the best! don't forget to put the story in your library so you can get notifications when I add a new chapter! xx ~

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