Chapter 6

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"You're late." I say blankly at Harry as he walks through the library doors over to our table.

"No," he argues back, "you're just early."

I look down at my phone; 6:00 exactly. He's right.

"Alright, well let's get started." I sit down and open my book while Harry takes the seat across from me.

"So what do you want me to help you with? Is there a specific chapter or section you want to go over or do you just want me to help you go over today's lesson?" I ask him.

"Just help me with the today's lesson." He suggests.

I move over and sit by Harry and as I take a seat in the chair he scoots his away from me like I have some type of disease he doesn't want to catch.

"Alright, well our lesson today was kind of easy it refers back to geometry," I start, "but I don't understand how Mrs.Hamilton expects us to remember stuff from two years ago!" I give a little laugh. Harry looks at me like he's not amused.

"Look, can you just help me with what I'm struggling with? I don't need you to make jokes, or try to be my friend. I just need help and that's it." He stares at me hard.

"Oh...okay? Well why were so nice to me at the party then if you don't want to be friends?" I press him.

"To save you from embarrassment."

"Well then what about in the hallway today?" I counter back.

"To save you from embarrassment from Drew. That's all. I have friends, and I definitely don't need you as a friend," he snaps at me.

"And what is that suppose to-"

"Look Millie, I'm not here to argue with you. Just help me with my homework so I can get out of this place." He interrupts me.

After that I didn't say anything to him. I don't understand how someone could be so nice and helpful to you one day the be completely rude the next.

We spent the next hour as Harry requested, only talking about math. He seemed to grasp all the concepts very fast and even finished his homework faster than I did. I wanted to ask him why he even needed my help but I wasn't going to bother him. We both wanted out of here.

"Alright, well since you've helped me and I finished I think I can go now. Here's your twenty bucks." Harry left the building before I could even respond back him, which I'm assuming that's what he wanted.


I pull up in front of my house and I notice something that looks familiar in my neighbors drive way. There's a black range rover parked, and a blonde boy in the drivers seat. I unbuckle my seat belt and immediately get out of my car. I can't believe it!

"Niall!" I scream running towards the car. I bang on the drivers window and he whips his head looking at me. I see a big smile spread across his face.

"Millie!" He opens the door and picks me up while giving me a big hug.

"You're finally back!" I scream hugging him back. Niall Horan is my neighbor and we've been bestfriends ever since we were 3. He got sent away to an all boys boarding school for partying too much but I didn't know he'd be home this soon.

"Yeah. I convinced my parents to let me come back and they actually let me this time!" He says setting me down on the ground.

"Well, did you learn your lesson?" I ask him while laughing.

He lets out his famous laugh that just warms my heart up. "Of course not! You can't keep Nialler away from the parties!" He says while giving me another hug.

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