Chapter 5

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The next week at school was completely awful. Drew hasn't spoken to me and for some crazy reason I expected Harry to talk to me. But no surprise he acted like I didn't even exist. Not like it bothers me, but I guess I just expected him to at least acknowledge me after taking care of me.

Taylor and Chris are together now, and I'm happy for her, but she just dismisses the fact that Drew and I are broken up.

We were in third period doing work sheets when Taylor broke the silence.

"How were you after the party? Hung over as hell or what?" She laughed

"Yeah I guess you could say that." I gave her a small smile.

"I've never seen you drink that much! You were finally up to my level!" She said to me smirking. That made me worry a little considering Taylor is known to be belligerent drunk every weekend

I laughed. "Tay, I will never get up to your level."

"Yeah I guess not. But I tried calling you the day after why didn't you answer?" She frowned.

"Oh...uhm I just wasn't in the mood to talk I guess." I choked on my words. It was true though, I wasn't in the mood to talk because I was too busy crying remembering I was broken up with the night before.

"Well why?" Taylor interrogated me.

I could feel my eyes start to water. "Because Drew broke up with me at the party." The words were like vomit coming out of my mouth.

Taylor's facial expression changed from curious to sympathetic. "Oh Mills....I'm so sorry. I heard but I didn't think it was true and I figured you would tell me if it had happened." She touched my arm and I just gave her a weak smile and nodded.

"You'll be fine! You're Millie Marsh! You're hot as hell and I'm sure Drew will be coming back to you. You know he will never say no to you." She sounded very encouraging and part of me believes her but part of me doesn't. I'm going to take into account in what she said. Maybe I need to talk to Drew because he feels bad for what he did and he doesn't know how to face me.

"Maybe you're right Tay. I'll find him after this period and go talk to him about it." I gave her a big smile.

About ten minutes passed then the bell rang. I gather up my things quickly and run out of the class room door. Drew has history right now so I know where to go. I speed walk through the hallways and I see something that makes me feel like I've been punched in the stomach. Drew's with Danielle Rine. And they're talking and he's laughing. She touches his arm and keeps her hand there for a while. I can't believe I'm seeing this right now.

I never thought Drew would talk to Danielle ever again. They dated last year and she cheated on him numerous times. Drew never knew about it until Danielle hooked up with Chris, who is Drew's best friend, and Taylor had to tell him.

I'm standing in the middle of the hallway staring at them. My throat starts to get an air lump in it, my nose starts to sting, and I can feel my eyes start to water. And before I know a tear is streaming down my cheek. I see Drew look around the hallway and he catches my stare. I turn around immediately and I run into someone. My books and their books go straight to the floor and both of our papers go scattering everywhere.


"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I apologize right away with more tears coming down.

We're both scrambling to collect our papers.

"Watch where you're going next time," the person says sounding frustrated. I look up at them to see who it is.

"Harry..." Of course. I run into Harry Styles at school right in front of Drew. Just my luck.

His head snaps up.

"Millie! Are you crying? Why are you crying?" He stands up and extends his hand out to help me. I take it and he pulls me up.

"I'm not crying." I lie and wipe away my tears.

"Yes, you are. What's the matter?" He guides me up against a locker and holds my shoulders. I look over at Drew, and both him and Danielle are looking at Harry and I. Harry turns his head in the direction I'm looking at. He drops his hands from my shoulders and puts his head down. Then looks me straight in the eyes.

"Don't cry because of him Millie. If he's over there talking to her, he's obviously not worth you're time." He wipes away a tear that rolls down my cheek then walks away leaving me in shock from what just happened.

I look over at Drew one more time; he's staring at me. And he's alone now. I wipe my cheeks one more time and walk to my class.


"Miss Marsh can I speak to you after class?" My math teacher asks me in the middle of the class doing work.

"Oh yeah of course!" I say back. I don't know what she could possibly want to talk about with me considering I have an A in this class. Maybe it's just about going to calculus next year.

I finish my work and the bell rings a little bit after.

"You wanted to talk to me Mrs.Hamilton?" I ask her.

"Oh yes!" She removed her glasses. "You're my best- Harry," she stops in the middle of her sentence, "could you please join us?"

I totally forgot Harry was in this class. He stops at the door way and slowly turns around. He looks back and forth between Mrs.Hamilton and me.

"Why?" He says sharply.

"Because I have something I would like to discuss with you two." She looks irritated.

Harry slowly walks over to where we are and drags his feet then stands right next to me. I look up at him and I've never noticed how tall he is. He's probably almost a foot taller than me.

"Okay, so as I was telling Millie here, she is my best student in the class. And Harry I know you've been struggling to keep your grade up, and when you asked me to find you a tutor, Millie couldn't be more perfect!" Mrs.Hamilton sounded overly excited.

"Absolutely not." Harry responds back. "What about another student in another class period?" He suggests.

Mrs.Hamilton looks shocked.

"Well uh, Millie is my best student I'm all of my classes. She has the highest grade..."

I look over at Harry who seems angered. He starts to shake his head.

"Fine." He speaks up. "Whatever can help my grade." He storms out of the room.

"I'm sorry Millie, I can find someone else-"

"No it's okay Mrs.Hamilton!" I interrupt her. "I could use this on my resume for college!"

She gives me a small smile and I collect my things and hurry out of the class room to catch Harry.

"Hey!" I yell though the hallway. Harry turns around. "Hey, so uhm since I'm tutoring you now I guess, where do you want to meet?"

"Library." His response short.

"Are you sure? I mean like you said you live a couple houses down from-"

"Library," Harry cuts me off whole holding a finger up. I nod and he walks away from me to his next class.

~I know this is a short chapter but it's just a filler to get the ball rollin! haha it's gonna get better promise. thank you for all the reads guys it means a lot!~

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