Chapter 25

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Open your eyes Millie.




Street lights.

Stop lights.



Smashed cars.

I lie there, my arms and legs spread apart, on the cold, black asphalt, which is covered in debris.

Where am I?

I move my eyes. I see buildings, I see street lights. I see a stop light, switching from green, yellow, red.

Silver? Silver. I turn my head to the side, and see a silver car, the front of it bashed in. I turn my head the other way. I see a black car, flipped on it's side with a huge dent. Whose cars are those?

I stand up, my head throbbing. What time is it? How late is it? Or early? Where the hell am I? How did I even get here?

God, Millie think.

I remember driving, fast. I remember a crash. A crash? Who crashed?

I shut my eyes, trying to find the images that will tell me why I'm here.

Police cars. Ambulance. Paramedics. Me. Harry. Harry?

Where is Harry?

A gust of win blows by. "Camilla," I hear a faint whisper.

"Harry?" I ask quietly.

I start to walk; away from the two cars. This street looks familiar, but I don't know where I am. I just need to get home.

"Camilla," the voice growing louder.

"Hello?" I whip my head around, but no one is there. Whose saying that? It must be my mind playing tricks on me.

I continue on my way.

"Camilla, babe. Please wait!" The voice becoming louder, sounding more and more like Harry's.

"Harry?" I turn around, walk slowly towards the two impacted cars.

"Camilla!" The voice sounding scared, distressed. I pick up my pace.

"Do not do this, do not put the car in drive." He says, weakness in his voice. Now I'm running. What is he talking about? And why does it sound so familiar?

I stop when I reach the cars.

Where the hell is he? I look inside the silver car. No one in there.

I walk over to the black one, shards of glass crunching beneath my shoes.

I come to the drivers window; shattered, but I can see something. Someone maybe?

I kneel down, take a deeper look inside.

"How could you do this to me?" I hear Harry say from inside the car.

Harry? Harry! I press my face against the glass as well as I can without being cut. Harry's limp body is lying there. Blood oozing from numerous places on his face, cuts on his hands, his eyes closed.

What is going on? What is happening?

God damn it Millie, think! I look up at the stop light as it turns from yellow, to red.

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