Chapter One: I'm aware

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Song: Regular Touch by Vera Blue

•Lainey's POV•
The ugly fat friend, is what I'm referred to. When realistically I'm not ugly, fat on the other hand maybe. I mean yeah I am, I'm a size 20.
My friend, Iris is the hot one and all the guys go for her. I mean it's not her fault that no guys like me. It just sucks sometimes when the guy you had a crush on that tries to date her. That's why I try not to crush on anyone because that always happens to me.
I met up with Iris at her locker.
"What? Where's my book?" She searched through her messy locker.
I took it from her hand and showed her.
"What are you going to do with out me?" I asked shaking my head.
"I have no clue." She took it and closed her locker, "when you go off to college next year I'm going to be so lonely and sad."
"I'm sure you'll replace me." I smiled.
"I could never. Maybe I'll move there too." She giggled.
"We're still on for the mall tonight right?" I asked.
"Yeah, we'll go to my house and play with the new makeup I got." She squealed.
"Perfect!" I smiled.
We walked into class and we sat where we usually do.
"Hey, Iris." One guy said walking past us.
"Hello to you to!" I shouted.
I'm always ignored all the time. Just because I'm fat doesn't mean they have to ignore me. Oh well I'm pretty used to it by now.
"I'm sure he didn't see you." Iris gave me a reassuring smile.
"I'm pretty hard to miss."
"Would you stop. You're perfect just the way you are."
I smiled at her.
She always tried to make me feel better after someone would do that.
The lesson started and we tried to pay attention.
Soon the bell rang and it was gym time. I walked into the locker room and started to take off my clothes. Everyone gets insecure in the locker room but personally I don't really care anymore.
"Cute bra. Is that a new one?" Iris pointed out my black Lacey one.
"Thanks, and I bought it last week."
I slipped on my black yoga pants and my over sized American horror story shirt, it said normal people scare me on it.
We walked out and started to do our "warm up" which is basically walking around the gym for 20 minutes.
"Turns out he was talking to another girl." She rolled her eyes.
"It's good that you asked and you know now." I said.
"You're like really pretty!" This girl said to Iris.
"Thanks." Iris said.
"Yeah fuck you too." I said.
The girl gave me a dirty look and walked away.
"Lane, she pro-"
"Stop trying to apologize for someone you don't even know."
I hopped into Iris's car and we drove to her house. She had a huge house. Her brother was on the couch making out with his girlfriend. It must be something in their genes to be likable.
We walked up the stairs to her room and she took out her big makeup bag.
"I do yours and you do mine?" She asked.
"Yeah let me do your first." I smiled.
I did a nice bronze eye and a winged eyeliner. I put a light pink lipstick on her.
She started to do mine and she gave me a nice natural eyeshadow and winged eyeliner. She put a matte red lipstick on me.
"Wow you look hot in red." She handed me a mirror.
I looked at my hazel eyes, they were more on the brown side.
She started to curl my dirty blonde hair and she put it up in a half ponytail.
"Thanks." I smiled.
I just did a bun on her and we took a couple of cute pictures. She posted one on Instagram and she said my ride or die. It's a best friend thing we came up with.
"Look we got a comment already! It says omg, Iris you look stunning..." she looked at me.
"That's cool." I smiled.
"I don't know why people do that to you, I mean you are really pretty."
"It's fine I'm used to it." I reassured her.
"Well, it's six so let's go. Who knows maybe there will be cute guys there."
I shrugged. We drove up to the mall and walked around for a little. I notice two guys looking at us (just at Iris) when we were in the seating area.
"They're looking at you." I said.
"They're looking at you too."
"Whatever floats your boat." I shrugged.
The boys started to walk towards us
Cole's POV•
"No dude. You're just going to force me to talk to the ugly one." I said.
"She's not... bad."  Travis shrugged.
"Fine." I rolled my eyes, "only because I'm a good wing man."
"Thanks bro!"
We started to walk over to the girls.
I was stuck talking to the fat blonde hair one. I rolled my eyes at the thought. She's probably disgusting and shows her ass crack, baggy clothes, probably didn't bother to do any makeup, shit like that.
While Travis gets to talk to the pretty one. She had brown hair and she was pretty thin. She was wearing a white crop top and skinny washed out jeans.
"Hey lovely ladies." Travis smiled at the skinny cute one.
"Hey." she said, "what's you're guy's names?"
"I'm Travis and this is Cole." He tried to charm her.
The fat one looked really unimpressed and bored. What? Is she one of the angry fat girls?
She actually looked pretty decent not as bad as I thought. She was wearing blue skinny jeans, a grey shirt and a red and black flannel tied around her waist.
"I'm Iris and this is Lainey."
"Can we get your numbers?" He asked for hers.
"Sure." Iris smiled.
Her friend whispered something in her ear.
Travis took out his phone and she gave it to him. I reluctantly went to give Lainey mine.
When I looked up she was gone.
I saw her walking away, I got really confused and I was kind of hurt. Rejected by the fat one?
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Bathroom, let them chit chat for a bit. It's no problem." She smiled.
She actually had a cute smile.
"What? Don't you want my number?" I asked.
"No, because I know you don't really like me and your buddy forced you to talk to me. I get it."
She knew exactly what was happening, "Oh uh..."
"What? Never had the ugly fat friend say that to you before?" She raised an eyebrow.
"No... uh... I mean you're not ugly or..."
"Save it." She giggled.
"I... uh don't know what to say now."
I was speechless, she actually knew that she was those things.
"Let me save you from your agony." She said and started to walk away.
She left me with a mix of emotions. I was confused, hurt, a little happy, I also felt bad.
I walked back to Travis.
"I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back." Iris smiled.
"Dude, where's the other one?" He asked.
"She didn't want anything to do with me." I shrugged.
"Maybe she's a lesbian, because every girl who looks like that should be grateful to be talking to you."
"I don't think she's a lesbian, she knows I don't like her, so."
"Why did you say that?"
"I didn't, she said that to me."
"That's so weird." He was just as confused as I was.
"So, how was Iris?"
"She's pretty hot."
Iris's POV•
I made my way to the bathrooms where Lainey went. I really hope this went well for her. I feel bad how everyone ignores her and how people don't care about her. They just can't look past her weight. I think she's beautiful just the way she is, only if guys thought that too. When I walked in she was washing her hands.
"Hey." I said.
"Hi." She smiled, "so how was Travis?"
"He's really sweet, but how's Cole?"
"Fine, we're just friends. That's all we're going to be." She went to dry her hands.
"What? Do you mean?"
"He told me." She acted like she didn't care.
"He's a dick."
"No he's not he's just into skinny girls like your self, it's fine it really is." She smiled at me.
I don't know how she handles stuff like that. I would probably be crying if that happened to me. I wish I could be as strong as Her. I looked down.
"It's fine Iris, don't feel bad, you can't control other people."
We walked out.
"Let's go back and then get rid of them. Then we'll go shopping." I said.
"Okay." She smiled.
Lainey's POV•
We walked back to where the guys were and we said we were going to get back to our shopping.
Cole was cute, he had dark brown hair with a grey beanie, and dark eyes. He was wearing a plain tee shirt and black jeans. I know he would never go for me so I forced my self not to care.
We walked away and went into an all plus size store. They had really cute things, I buy all my clothes from here.
I saw cute high waisted jeans, a blue and white striped top with off the shoulder sleeves. I also saw a yellow dress with sun flowers on it. It was also off the shoulders. They also sell bras for big girls who don't have huge boobs. I'm just a C cup. I found a cute white Lacey bralette but this one was supportive. I like wearing them when I have low cut shirts.
I tried them on and they all looked good. The jeans really made my butt look great. One thing I got out of being fat is a great ass.
"Damn." Iris slapped it.
We both started laughing.
"I'm definitely getting these."
I went back in the dressing room and put on the bralette.
"That looks amazing!" Iris squealed.
"I'm getting this one too."
I noticed the two boys hiding behind a clothes rack. I felt so embarrassed.
"They're literally behind the clothes rack." I whispered in her ear.
"Let's fuck with them." She giggled slapped my butt again.
"That's only funny if they didn't find me repulsive."
Cole's POV
"So this is what my Friday night consists of, stalking girls." I said shaking my head.
"Shut up and get down."
"Okay okay." I crouched behind a clothes rack.
"Holy shit." Travis said really shocked.
"Look at the ass on that one! "He whispered.
"Oh wow, she was hiding it before." I said.
She went back into the changing room and came out with a fancy bra on.
"Woah." That's all I could say.
She was actually really hot, I guess you have to actually look at her to notice. Or you know see her in her bra and jeans that made her ass look great.
Iris smacked her butt a couple of times, I wonder if I would ever be able to do that.
They started giggling and she came back out in the clothes she was wearing before.
"Let's go." Travis said.
I followed him out of the store.
"What are we doing now?" I asked.
"We wait for the next store they go into, hopefully it's for Iris though."
"It's weird dude."
"Yeah sure whatever." He waved me off.
"Let's go to an actual store for guys." I said.
"I guess."
They walked out of the store and they were laughing.
"Oh hey." Iris smiled at Travis.
"Hey." Travis nodded.
Lainey just waited for them to stop talking.
"Let's go."
Soon they left the mall and went home while me and Travis went to a few more stores and then headed home ourselves.
Lainey's POV•

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