Chapter two: Something new?

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Song: hand to hold by instupendo

Iris's POV
"Let's go find them." I smiled at Travis.
"Yeah Cole is probably looking everywhere for me." He put on his swimming trunks.
"You still like me right?"
"Of course, you're totally beautiful." He smiled at me.
"Thanks." I smiled back.
I felt bad for leaving Lainey and her walking in on us and then Cole walked in on us. We need to learn how to be more sneaky. I got dressed in my orange bikini and looked in the mirror. I really hate my self. I wish I could be like Lainey she's so confident all the time I don't know how she does it.
"What are you thinking about?" Travis came up behind me and wrapped his muscular arms around me.
"Nothing much." I smiled at him through the mirror.
He kisses my neck and then we go down stairs. I saw Cole and Lainey laughing on the side of the pool together. Were they together this whole time?
"I'm surprised Cole likes her at all." Travis smirked.
"What do you mean by that?" I got annoyed.
"Just that Cole is into thin pretty girls not that." He shrugged.
"Excuse me but she is the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Don't you dare say those things. She deserves the world." I snapped.
"I'm sorry." He put his hands up.
"Yeah that's what I thought." I rolled my eyes.
I started to walk towards them and then Lainey fell into the pool and then she dragged Cole with her and they started laughing together. They are so cute for each other. I really hope he falls for her.
"There you guys are!" I sat on the edge the pool.
"Hey." Lainey looked up.
"We should play a game." I said.
"And what would that be?" Lainey raised an eyebrow.
"Truth or dare."
"No." She said.
"Ugh fine." She rolled her eyes.
She swam over to the latter and and she was soaking wet in her romper.
"Take that off it will take forever to dry!" I said.
She rolled her eyes and she stepped out of it and put it off to the side.
"Happy?" She asked.
I sat at an empty table.
"I'll go first." Travis said, "Cole, truth or dare?"
"I dare you to lick Lainey's foot."
"Ew what?" Lainey was shocked.
Cole grabbed her foot and licked the top of it.
Travis's POV
I don't want Cole to like Lainey. I want him to have a nice piece of arm candy then whatever she is. I don't know why he would even look at her twice.
"Alright Travis." Cole smirked evilly, "truth or dare?"
"I dare you to run down the street... naked."
"You dog." I squinted my eyes at him.
I stood up and walked out to the street.
"I really hate you bro." I rolled my eyes.
I took off my shorts and did what I was told. I came back and put them on again.
"There." I said out of breath.
Lainey was super quiet.
"My turn!" Iris said, "truth or dare Cole?"
"I dare you to sit on Lainey's lap for the rest of the game."
I leaned over to Iris and asked, "what are you doing?"
"Getting them closer." She whispered.
Cole sat on Lainey and she giggled.
"Am I too Heavy?"
"No." She giggled again.
"I guess it's my turn." Lainey said.
"Iris, Truth or dare?"
"Is it true that you and Travis were having sex earlier?"
"Yes." She giggled.
"Lame." Cole scoffed.
"Well sorry." Lainey said.
"I got a good one." Iris said, "truth or dare Cole?"
"I dare you to kiss Lainey for 10 seconds."
Everyone paused for a second. Cole shrugged and turned around where he was straddling Lainey.
He leaned in and put his lips on hers. Then he actually started to actually make out with her.
He put his hands on her face.
I saw Iris smiling, what was she seriously trying to do it was pissing me off.
"10 seconds are up." I said staring at Iris.
Cole's POV
I leaned in and kissed her. She had super soft lips. I started to move my lips because I oddly wanted more. Her lips moved with mine. I put my hands on her face pulling her as close to me as possible.
"10 seconds are up." Travis looked annoyed.
I sat normally on Lainey's big thighs and I leaned back into her.
She was bright red.
Soon we ended the game because it was getting late.
"Hey we'll see you soon." Travis said.
He gave a good night kiss to Iris.
I walked over to Lainey.
"Hey can I actually have your number now?" I asked.
"I guess so." She shrugged.
I handed her my phone and she typed in her number.
I don't know why I want her approval so bad.
"Bye." I said.
"Good night." She smiled.
I couldn't tell if the smile was genuine or not.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Travis got in the car.
"What?" I was confused.
"Why do you like her bro? She's fat and ugly."
"Really Travis... you were fat one time and I was still friends with you."
"But that's different."
"No it's not."
Monday rolled around and Lainey hasn't texted me back. I was kind of annoyed. She better have a great reason why she never texted me back. I only sent two texts to her because I didn't want her to get scared off. She was stuck in my head all night and our kiss kept replaying in my head all night as well.
"Hey." Travis said.
"Hi." I looked past him to see if Lainey was there.
"Dude, what are you doing?" He patted my shoulder.
"Nothing." I lied.
I finally spotted her way down the hallway.
"I'll see you later." I said walking away.
I hoped Travis didn't follow me. I accidentally bumped into her because I looked behind me to see if Travis walked away.
"Oh shit, sorry." I said.
"We got to stop meeting like this." Lainey adjusted herself.
"Sorry, I'm just really tired." I gave a little smile.
"Who isn't these days?" She giggled.
"Can we talk?" I asked.
"About what?" She seemed concerned
Lainey's POV
I've been literally over thinking all Sunday about Cole and how he was my first kiss. He probably doesn't even know. I don't want him to know, It's really embarrassing.
I felt some one walk right into me and I was about to yell at them. Then I realized that it was Cole.
I leaned up against the lockers.
"About what?"
"About what happened on Saturday night."
"What? Nothing happened we were just playing truth or dare." I shrugged trying to play it off.
I was screaming on the inside. Why did he have to bring this up? I don't want a boyfriend because it's too much of a distraction and drama.
"I think it was more than truth or dare..." he brushed a piece of hair behind my ear.
Butterflies filled my stomach. He was so close to me.
"Uhh..." I looked at him blankly.
He put his arm on the side of the lockers.
The bell went off, talk about being saved by the bell.
"I got to go I'll see you later."
"Actually try to answer my texts." He flashed his cute smile.
I put my thumb in the air and smiled.
I walked away to my History class and we usually just work on independent stuff. I got out my materials that I need and then my phone buzzed.
It was Cole.
Cole: I'm going to barrow you for photos.
Me: What?
He never answered I wonder why? I looked around my class room and everyone is either dozing off or scribbling notes on their papers.
I heard a knock at the door and it was Cole. He was wearing a grey tee shirt and black skinny jeans. He looked so cute in them. His body was lean but muscular. He would never date me though I mean why would he? Look at me...
I shook my head from my thoughts.
"Can I barrow Lainey for photos?" He asked.
"Sure." The teacher rolled his eyes.
I got up and walked out with him. We walked a little down the hall before talking.
"So, you like photography?" I asked.
"I love it." He smiled at his fancy camera.
"What's your favorite thing to photograph?" I asked curious to hear his answer.
"That's cool." I said.
He opened the door to outside and let me go first.
We were at the back of the school. There was a lake behind our school along with a forest.
"Here stand next to this tree."
He placed me underneath a tree filled with beautiful white flowers.
I smiled like I was going to get my photo taken.
"You just need to be natural don't smile."
I relaxed my body and went back to every season of Americas next top model. I did what Tyra said to do, always smize.
"There you go. Wow these are amazing." He said
I ran a hand through my hair and looked off into the distance.
"Let me put a flower in your hair" he said.
He walked pretty close to me our chests were almost touching. He reached over me and picked a flower. He slowly brushed my hair out of my face and replaced it with a flower.
He just kind of stood there.
"So, do we need more?" I broke his focus.
"More?" He shook his head confused.
"N-no we're good."
"Oh okay." I smiled and started to pose again.
"You're really beautiful." He said looking at the photos.
I must have turned a shade of pink. I can't like him or have a crush on him I just can't.
He walked me back to class and it was pretty quiet.
"Do you want to hang out with me some time? I got a lot of cool records." He asked me.
I hesitated because I didn't want to be left alone with him because I don't want to start liking him.
"Um, yeah that would be cool." I smiled and headed into my class.
I can't believe I said yes. I can't believe he even asked.
Cole's POV
I can't believe she said yes. I'm cleaning my house this week just for her. I don't want her to see my messy room. Especially if I want her to actually like me. I really don't care about what people say about me or who I date not even Travis. I Like like Lainey and that's all there is to it.
"Hey man where have you been all day?" Travis asked.
It was now lunch time and me and Travis were sitting at our table with a couple of our other friends.
"Uh, nowhere." I shrugged.
"Hey, Henry. What do you think of Cole dating a fat girl?"
"I don't know and I don't care." He continued eating his food.
"See. No one cares but you and I don't know why." I said.
"Travis the boy can love whoever he wants to love Boy, girl, fat or thin. Doesn't matter as long as he's happy." Whitney smiled.
"Yeah see." I pointed at her, "I really like her, and did you always say you wanted to date best friends."
"I guess." He rolled his eyes.
"Just stop being so judgmental." Henry added, "my girl is on the heavy side and she's the best."
Henry was dating a girl named Sasha for about three years now. They are the cutest couple at this school.
I walked around my room picking up all the dirty clothes off the floor. My mom stood in my door way with a shocked expression.
"What?" I asked.
"Is a girl coming over or something?" She said sarcastically.
"Actually, yes mom." I continued cleaning.
"Oh my goodness! What's her name?"
"Lainey, and don't act all surprised I've had a couple girlfriends before." I said.
"Yeah but you've been so depressed since Lori. I'm just really happy your getting back out there." My mom said.
Lori was my last girlfriend she actually ended up killing her self. She had a horrible dad that would abuse her and I guess I couldn't be the one to save her. I guess no one could. I actually was the one to find her in her bed with slit in her wrist blood was everywhere. I had nightmares for a long time after that. I got sad even thinking about her.
"Thanks mom, hopefully I won't fuck this one up too." I said.
"It wasn't your fault it was her decision." My mom hugged me.
Iris's POV
"We're just hanging out relax." Lainey said.
"He likes you Lainey! That kiss was just way too deep for just a truth or dare!" I pushed her arm.
"No we're just going to be friends." She smiled.
"Let your self be happy Lainey."
"I am happy."
"No you're not."
"Yes I am just because I don't have a boyfriend doesn't make me not happy." She shrugged.
I just want Lainey to be happy and have a good time. She really deserves an amazing boyfriend. I think Cole is a great guy for her.
"I'm going to Travis's tonight so you need to leave." I said giggling.
"Okay but use protection!" She yelled to where my brother can hear.
I saw his head pop up in the door way, "what?"
"Nothing." I said.
Lainey left and I had to get ready. I didn't want to have sex with Travis tonight. I don't want our relationship to start off all about it. I actually want him to think of me like a decent person. Like the way Cole thinks of Lainey.
I slipped on my big tee and shorts.

I don't want him to get the impression I want to do anything

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I don't want him to get the impression I want to do anything. I threw my hair into a bun and hopefully he gets the picture.
I drove over to his house and I knocked on his door.
"Hey baby." He smiled.
"Hey." I smiled back.
He grabbed my waist and pulled me in close. He gave me a peck and smiled.
"I want a real relationship not a booty call." I said.
"I know." He smiled, "let's go watch a movie."

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