Chapter Twenty One: Old habits die hard

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Song: New Friend by Lemin
Lainey's POV
"I know this isn't anything serious but I'm going home this weekend and I'm wondering if you can come with me?" I asked.
My heart was beating out of my chest.
"Um I don't know..." He trailed off.
"It's just my ex is going to be there."
"Are we going to make him jealous?"
"If you don't mind?" I looked down.
"I guess so."
"So you're in?" I was shocked.
"Yeah. I like making people pissed off."
"Of course you do. Thanks." I smiled at him.
Cole's POV
I stood up and pushed open my black out curtains. I haven't opened them in a month. Lainey is coming and I wanted to show her I still love her. I miss ever curve of her body. I showered, again first time in a while. I started to smell my self so I figured it's time.
The hot water against my skin get really good.
After my shower I got ready I wore Lainey's favorite shirt that she couldn't resist me in. I paired it with black skinny jeans.
Iris was having a party at her house and Travis invited me. I need to mend things with him. I feel bad the way I acted. I think I had a right to be mad but not that mad. I think Lainey didn't really react at all which pissed me off.
I put on my jacket and I was ready to go.
I was really nervous because it was the first time I was going to see them in a while. I needed time but I didn't do it in the right way.
I rolled up and my heart was practically jumping out of my chest. I walked in and the smell of alcohol filled my nose. I saw Lainey and she was gorgeous.

She's never had the confidence to wear something like that when we were together

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She's never had the confidence to wear something like that when we were together. Then a guy came up to her and his hands instantly went down to her butt.
He was a really good looking guy, a lot more muscular then me.
They swayed back and fourth.
How was I going to approach her? I walked towards her and bumped into her 'by accident'.
"Watch it." She said.
"Lainey? Hi." I said.
Her smile instantly dropped, she grabbed her boyfriends arm tight.
"Can we talk?"
She looked up at him and said she'd be right back. We made it to iris's room.
"I'm so sorry." I said.
"No Cole you don't get to be sorry. You broke my heart."
"Well clearly you moved on!"
"I'm trying to move on, I'm trying to forget you!"
"I can't forget about you, us!"
We shouted back and fourth.
"I'm finally getting used to you being gone and you come back into my life, I don't think so!"
I crashed my lips against hers. I pushed her up against the wall.
Her lips were softer then I remembered. She finally kissed back and we fit like puzzle pieces. She pushed me away.
"Stop!" She shouted.
"What? I know you feel our spark there."
"No because it's gone. I am done with this, I'm done with you."
"Lainey." I grabbed her hand.
"Don't you miss us?"
She looked into my eyes for a hard second, "no."
I felt like a knife cut through my heart, "w-what?" I stuttered.
"No, goodbye Cole." She pushed past me and left.
I immediately sank down to the floor and started to sob.
I know what I did was bad and fucked up but I didn't think Lainey would react like this.
Iris's POV
"You know what girl you are so independent." I slurred my words, "I wish, I could be you..."
"No Iris." Lainey said, "if you were me who would be you? I love you Iris." She smiled.
I let the alcohol take over I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. She pushed me away.
"You're so fucked up right now." Lainey pulled me up to stand up. She helped me upstairs to my bed room.
"I just want to love some one. I have so much love just no one wants it." I blurted out.
"Iris whoever doesn't appreciate your love isn't worth it." She smiled again.
"You're right fuck them right?" I started laughing.
I rolled over into a reallyyyy comfortable position and I passed out.
•Lainey's POV
After the Cole and drunk Iris situation was semi controlled I found Kyle.
"Hey. Sorry I left."
"So did he want you back?" He asked.
"Yeah, I don't want him though." I sighed.
"Who do you want?" He asked.
"For a relationship no one, at the moment." I giggled.
He knew that I was not ready for a relationship yet.
"Let's go find somewhere quiet." He said in my ear.
I nodded, I knew what we were going to do. I always wondered why sex was so hyped. I get it now it's a stress reliever.
Wow I sound like I'm talking about drugs. I went into Iris's parents bedroom.
He started to kiss me, he pushed me up against the wall harshly. I kind of liked it though. His hands started to roamed my body.
He just knew he could make me weak.
"Kyle." I moaned in his ear.
"Yes baby? Tell me what you want." He played with my waist band.
"I want you." I kissed him again.
I heard the door open. We both looked over and it was Cole.
"What do you want now?" I asked in a harsh tone.
"I just wanted to talk to you...again."
"Get out."
He hung his head low and walked out.
"Fuck I'm sorry." I said.
"Is that your ex?"
"Yeah." I sighed.
"I thought you were into more guys like me, not pretty boys."
"You can't choose you you fall for anyways where were we?" I pushed him on the bed.
He chuckled and pulled me into his lap.
Cole's POV
I started crying in the corner of the bathroom. I knew she was fucking that guy, who was much more attractive then me. I lost her. I shouldn't have been such a dick.
I heard the door open and I looked up it was Travis. I wiped my tear stained cheeks.
"Hey." He said, "how'd it go with Lainey?"
"Not very good." I looked away at him.
"Things got messy huh?" He sighed.
"Yeah. I just want to say I am so sorry. I lost it there."
"It's okay, I forgive you." He put his hand out.
I took it and I got up.
"Let's go dance. Maybe find you a one night stand." Travis suggested.
"Yes please."
Once we got to the dance floor I found someone to dance with. She had bright pink hair. She was short and kind of curvy. She wasn't Lainey.
I we started to sway together.
"My name is Daisy!" She shouted in my ear over the music.
"Cole." I smiled.

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