Chapter Nineteen: Separate ways

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Song: Things happen by Dawes
Lainey's POV
We all sat in one of the chairs. I crossed my arms and looked at Travis waiting for him to speak. I was annoyed at him for pretending to be into Iris for so long. But, I did want to try my best to understand why.
Maybe I'm not as pissed as I should be, why? I don't know.
"Iris, I-I'm gay." He whispered.
Her eyes widened and started to water.
"What was that?" She asked.
"I'm gay, I'm sorry."
"I can't believe this." Iris put her face into her hands.
"I'm so sorry, I thought if I was with a girl it would go away."
"So you waited months to tell me."
"I'm sorry." He looked down.
She sighed, "fuck Travis."
I saw Cole was still fuming at me and Travis.
"Maybe we should just all break up." Cole said.
I was really confused.
"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrow, "you want to break up with me because your mad I touched you thigh?"
"It's not just that."
"What the fuck is it Cole?" I shouted.
"I just don't think we work you're so selfish, and it feels like your so wrapped up in your own problems you can't even think of other people." He said.
I was dumbfounded, lost for words.
"I mean we are going to college in a week. So it's just easier." He crossed his arms.
"Wow, I'm fucking done." I shot up and started to leave, Iris followed me.
We both broke out into tears in the car.
"Girls night?" Iris asked though her sobs.
"Yeah." I sniffled.
Once Iris calmed down we drove to the store and we picked up some snacks and movies.
"I don't get why he's doing this to me." Tears started to run down my face.
"I don't either." Iris sniffled.
"Fuck. There I go again being selfish." I cried harder.
"Lainey stop. I don't know what he was talking about, your not selfish." She hugged me.
"And your the most amazing person I've ever met Iris."
We both smiled and dried our tears.
It's been three weeks after everyone's break up. And also I've been at college for a whole week now. It's nice so far. No one treats me like the way they do back home.
I know your all dying to know how everyone is doing.
Well, I'm hanging in there. Cole and I haven't talked since the break up. I know I will be okay because I know I don't need a guy to rely on. I was so wrapped up in him maybe it was for the best.
Iris has already been on a re bound date but she's dealing with it in her own way. She's still talks to Travis because she doesn't want him to feel alone.
Cole on the other hand I heard he's not talking to any of us. Not even Travis, this must be killing him. I hate the way Cole is acting right now.
"Hey ready to go?" Sabrina smiled.
"Uh yeah." I walked out with her.
Tonight was a big party for the beginning of the year.
Sabrina is my new friend here she's so nice. She is skinny but she's got huge boobs. She has red curly hair, brown eyes, with freckles splashed on her cheeks.
She even got us into a party and we've only been here for two weeks.
We walked into the party looking hot.

We walked into the party looking hot

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(Lainey's outfit^)

(Sabrina's outfit^)

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(Sabrina's outfit^)

We walked in and it was so loud and filled with people. This was crazier then a high school party.
"Let's make a rule if we leave with someone we have to text the other person." Sabrina yelled over the music.
"Got it." I smiled.
"Let's go get some shots!" She grabbed my hand and led me to the bar.
She poured us two shots and we took them.
Well we actually took three each.
"I'm going to go dance." She said.
"I'll join you in a bit."
She started to get lost in the crowd.
I stood there, overwhelmed. I didn't know if I was ready to do anything with anybody else.
Then again who is going to want to have sex with me here. College guys have much higher standards for their girlfriends.
I pushed my way through the crowd of dancing people to find Sabrina. I was just getting shoved and knocked around.
I made it to the other side of the crowd. I realized I wasn't going to find her in this mess. I decided to step outside and get some air it was also pretty hot in there.
I stepped out and a guy smoking by a blue Camaro caught my eye.
He was very hot well as well as I can tell in the dark.
He threw his cigarette on the ground and stomped on it.
He looked up and our eyes locked.
When he started to come up to the porch of the house my heart started to pump faster.
"What is a beautiful girl doing out here?" He said.
He had a deep husky voice.
"Oh you know taking a break from in there, what about you?"
"Just got here, but I'd much rather stay here and talk to a beautiful girl."
"I know what you really want." I rolled my eyes.
Would it be so bad if I had sex with someone else? I mean Iris is doing it.
"Yeah what is that?" He farrowed his brows.
I attached my lips to his and he pulled away.
"Woah, I don't even know your name sweet cheeks." He smirked.
I leaned in again and then he stopped me, "eager are we?"
"Sorry I just-"
"You need a rebound?" He cut me off.
"Something like that."
"I'm your guy, but we're going to do it my way." He smirked.
This guy was trouble and I knew it, but he's what I want right now.
I deserve something I want.
He grabbed my hand and lead me to his car.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"My apartment. I'm a sophomore in college."
"Okay." I smiled.
He put his hand on my upper thigh. I was so nervous, what if he had an STD? I'm insane for doing this. I don't even know him.
We pulled up to a tall building. We got out and went to his floor.
"Wow this place is nice." I looked around.
He grabbed my waist and pinned my against the wall.
We started having a very heated make out session. His hands wondered down my back to my butt.
"Jump." He said as he left kisses down my neck.
"Uh no."
"Just do it."
I took a deep breath praying I wasn't too heavy. He actually could hold me up he walked into his bed room and well you know what we did.

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