Chapter Twenty: Don't come back

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A/N: I think I'm going to end the book soon! But don't worry I will be publishing a new story after this one

Song: I think we're meant to be alone by Bad suns

•Lainey's POV
My eyes fluttered open to an unfamiliar room. I looked next to me and it was Kyle.
He had scratches down his back from me. He was very rough but it was really good. I hope I didn't hurt him.
I honestly prefer it over gentle.
Cole was nothing compared to Kyle.
I slipped out of the bed and I was naked. I looked in the mirror and I had scratches on my hips from him. I guess we were even.
I looked at the time and it was 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Fuck we slept so late.
I put on my undies and my strapless bra.
"Hey." Kyle muttered in a sexy morning voice.
"Yes?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Come here." He sat up.
I did as I was told and he traced the scratches on my hips.
"Sorry I can get carried away."
"It's okay you should see you back." I smirked.
I bent down to his level and kissed him roughly.
He pushed me back, "you know no strings attached right?"
"Yeah I was hoping for round two." I bit my lip.
"You're so fucking hot."
I straddled him and bit his bottoms lip gently.
I like this new Lainey, confident and independent. I'm not scared every second of Cole breaking up with me anymore. It's quite a relief.
I left kisses down his neck and then his chest. I went back up to his lips and traced my finger down his chest to his abdomen lightly.
"You're such a tease."
He threw me down on the bed and hovered over me.
Iris's POV
My phone buzzed and it was a text from Lainey.
I just had hot sex with some stranger.
I couldn't help but to giggle a little bit. Good for her I'm glad she's moving on. I know rebound sex makes me feel better.
I was going to go hang out with Travis today.
I mean it hurts me to see him but he needs a friend right now. Since Cole isn't around anymore.
"Hey." I smiled.
"So what do you want to do today?" He asked.
"Umm... Relax?"
"I have a date later so you need to leave by 6." I said.
"Got it." He chuckled.
We laid on his couch cuddling like old times.
Travis's phone buzzed the person who texted was Cole.
"Holy shit." We both looked at each other.
"He said I'm sorry I just needed a break from everything and I was hoping we could be friends again." Travis read.
"You should tell him to go fuck himself."
"I can't throw years of friendship away."
"I guess tell him you'll think about it."
"That's better."
Cole immediately texted back saying, "I understand."
"Just why does he think that he could do that and everything would be fine."
"I don't know."
"Neither do I."
Lainey's POV
"Well I am going to go." I said slipping his shirt over my head.
I put his shirt over my dress from last night to make it look more casual. It was a tight fit but that's okay.
"No strings attached right."
"I know." He put his hands up.
"Do this again soon?" I asked.
"Yeah I'll text you." He smiled.
I walked out and waited for the über to come.
Once I got back I knocked on Sabrina's door.
She opened it and pulled me in.
"Tell me everything!"
I did, and she was actually happy for me.
"Yes, girl! Get it!" She shouted.
We both chuckled.
"It was so amazing. Way better then my ex. How was your night?"
"So shortly after you left I did too, with a very attractive guy. We were too drunk to do anything but I got his number and we're going on a date next weekend."
"Ah! I'm so excited for you!"
I heard my phone buzz and I looked down it was from Cole.
I forgot to delete his number. It read,
Hey, I'm sorry I went missing for awhile I just needed time to think. I still love you and I want to get back together.
"Fuck." A couple tears streamed down my face.
"What?" Sabrina looked really concerned.
"My ex he just texted me and said he loves me still."
"Do you still love him?"
"Of course I do, but I don't want to date him again."
"There's your answer. Tell him you have a new boyfriend. Maybe bring Kyle home with you next weekend."
"Your a genius."
I texted him back and I said I have moved on and you should too. I think that was the mature thing to say. I got up and went to go call Iris.
"Hey." She said.
"I just got a text from Cole."
"So did Travis, he's pretty pissed."
"Yeah so am I. He doesn't get to do that and then tell me he still loves me! That's BS!"
"I know." She sighed.
"Look I'm coming home next weekend and we can hang."
"I'm so excited to see you!" Iris squealed.
"Me too! I'll talk to you later bye!"
"Bye. Be safe!"
She hung up and I went on about my day.
I soon then got a text from Kyle asking if we could hang out. This boy was needy.
I quickly cleaned up my dorm room, my roommate wasn't here for the day she went to her boyfriends. I was wearing my pajamas, which consisted of mini shorts and a tank top. I don't think I will be wearing clothes for to long anyways.
I heard a knock and it was him holding a dominos pizza box.
"Hey." He smiled.
"Ooo you brought pizza, thank you."
"I didn't eat yet so I figured we can have dinner." He came in and sat on my bed.
"I didn't either. Do you want anything to drink?" I asked.
"Yeah I'll have water."
I reached up on my shelf and grabbed two cups. I filled them with ice and water.
"It's weird being in a dorm room again." He chuckled.
"It's small but nice to be independent on a budget."
"Dorming is like 10,000."
"I don't have to pay it right now."
"That's true."
Once we were done eating my phone started to buzz. I didn't even look at the caller ID and I answered it.
"Hello." I asked annoyed.
"Hey Lainey."
The voice sound familiar, it was Cole.
"What do you want?"
"I want to change your mind, I love you."
"Listen, you fucked up Cole. I have moved on! Matter of fact I'm going to go have sex with my new boyfriend right now!" I hung up the phone.
I walked back in my dorm room.
"You look pissed."
"I am."
I ran up to him and started kissing him.
Now how was I going to ask him to pretend to be my boyfriend.

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