Chapter Seven: Just stop

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Song: Cold blooded by Khaild
•Travis's POV
Honestly I was kind of happy he broke up with Lainey. I don't know why I just am.
"Cole, it's fine." I patted his back as he was throwing up in my toilet.
"How? I can't believe she did that!"
"Like I said man, she's a cheater."
I know I was stirring the pot and told him that Lainey was kissing someone. I don't know why but the lie just spilled out of my mouth.
"I should call her." Cole flushed the toilet and sat on the floor in relief.
"No, leave it be. I think everyone needs a day to calm down." Travis said.
"Where's my phone I still need to tell my mom, I'm fine." Cole asked.
"I already called her."
"Thanks bro."
"Let's go get you some mouthwash."
Cole got up slowly and then brushed his teeth. He has a tooth brush here. Don't you have one at your best friends house?
"Come lie down." I smiled.
Me and Cole enjoyed our Sunday watching movies all day. He soon felt better around dinner time.
Lainey's POV
I sniffled, "He hasn't called or texted... I think he remembers..."
"He could of just lost his phone." Iris said.
"I don't think Cole would."
"You texted him three times and tried calling him a bunch, he didn't answer he probably lost it."
"I hope your right."
My phone buzzed and I quickly grabbed it and checked it. It was a text from Cole.
•Stop trying to talk were done.•
I bursts out into tears again and I handed my phone to Iris. She texted back to him.
•Listen, I never kissed anyone at that party. He just came up to me and started to shove his tongue down my throat. He was a strong guy I couldn't push him off of me.•
•leave me alone or I'll block your number.•
This time I couldn't stop crying for another hour. I know me and Cole haven't been dating that long but I've really fell for him. I wiped my tears away.
"Lainey... I think you don't need him." Iris said hugging me.
"You have me and you always tell me that."
"I know." I smiled through my tears.
"You be your bad ass independent self that I love so much." She let go.
I wiped my tears away she was right. I sniffled and I asked her to help me pick out a totally hot outfit for tomorrow.
Soon Monday rolled around and Iris slept over again and we decided to get up early so I can look really good.
"You want me to curl your hair?" Iris asked in a morning groggy voice.
I nodded and that's what she did. I applied makeup while she did my hair.
Once I was all done I went and put on a cute outfit.

Once I was all done I went and put on a cute outfit

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These shorts always made my butt look amazing.
"Damn girl!" Iris said.
"I'm ready!" I did a twirl.
We both started laughing and then I waited for Iris to get ready.

We both started laughing and then I waited for Iris to get ready

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