Chapter 5

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I was now fully recoverd so i can do PE again,yay! I was getting changed into my pink running top, black shorts and white converse in the changing rooms. I followed Cara out to the hall and saw Miss Hamond setting the running stuff up and i smiled. We gathered round her for her to take registration. She got to my name and when i said here she looked up and smiled but continued with the register "alright run a lap of the hall and well go outside!" she said and i did so, i was one of the first finished,infact i was the first finished.

We walked out to the field where the track was and i smiled, i was glad to be back on the track again. We were split into two groups, one would go through starts while the other ran the track. My group was running the track and Miss Hamond put us into postition. She blew her whistle and we started, everyone sprinted at first but i jogged so when they got to the third corner they were out of breath and i was just going into my sprints. At the last hundred yards i was in second place, the most popular girl in school was first as always i thought.

I sprinted all the way and ran past her and over the line and was surprised when i wasnt out of breath, i just ran 400 metres for god sake, am i even human. The next group went and we worked on starts. I could feel a pair of eyes on me and i turned and saw Miss Hamond looking at me and writting in her folder again,okay...

The groups merged and we were doing relays and we were to choose a partner "girlfriend get you sexy but over here!" Cara said to me and i hesitatied "me?" i asked and pointed to myself and she nodded "yes you now move that sexy but of yours!" she said and pulled on my arm so i was standing beside her. We were given battons and we were to work on passing it. We had to cut it short as we were out in the field and had to make our way back.

Cara linked our arms togeher and we walked back into the changing room where i got changed into blue skinny jeans, a whit t shit, a green hodie and my white convers stayed. I grabbed my bag but Miss Hamond said she wanted to talk to me in her office. Mrs Cartwright rtired so Miss Hamond took her office and i feel sorry for her becaus eit was always a mess, you would see a mountain of papers and you had to look for ages to see if Mrs Carwright was there.

I walked round the corner and saw Miss Hamond in her new office and looked at it "do you have no social life because i can see the floor in this office!" i said and she turned and laughed a bit. Everything was organised and all neat and tidy "no i have OCD and i was going to explode when i saw the mess!" she said and i laughed a bit "that was my second guess!" i said and she stood up and walked over to a cabinet "i saw you run today and your pretty fast and i noticed you use to be in the running team i was wondering if you wanted to join again?" she asked and gave me a sheet explaining it all.

I smiled "i'll think about it, i have cadets the same night so i would have to leave early, would that be okay f i was to agree?" i asked and she nodded "yeh that'd be fine!" she said and i smiled "okay i'll think about it, thanks Miss!" i said and she smiled and sat back in her chair and i left.

I was a bit nervous, apparently a couple are intrested in fostering me and im meeting them today. It was Saturday and i'd rather be in bed but im in Mike and Gina's office waiting on the Hill's. There was a knock on the door and Mike opened it and the Hill's walked in and i stood up and shook there hand "hello dear!" Mrs Hill said and i smiled"hi!" i said and they sat opposite me and Gina sat beside me.

They went over care plans and such and they seemed like nice people, Gina had said before that they culdnt have kids and had been trying for ages but it didnt work so they wanted to adopt, i was a bit confused by why they chose a 17 year old and not a baby but oh well. "so dear tell  us about you, we havnt given you a chance to talk yet!" Mrs Hill said and i smiled "im not sure whta to say, you can ask questions and im happy to answer thats possibly better!" i said and they laughed a bit

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